Azimuth 2 - Session 06 - Strings of Prophecies

General Summary


Cardinal Desires
At Cardinal Desires, Demitri and Mortimr went inside. As they stood just inside the entrance unsure how to proceed, a large female orc approached and easily picked Demitri up and propositioned him. Demitri asked after the madame of the facility, and after he mentioned Coinguard Gim Gorod, they were escorted to Matriarch Eval.   Around a central performance stage, they met Eval along with two hobgoblin women, the dancer Meena, and her more reserved twin sister, Naran. They reacted very negatively at the mention of the coinguard. Demitri explained their situation with the coinguard’s interest with the aid caravan. He said their goal was to attempt to distract the coinguard with his “favored lady” to draw his attention away.   They asked what information they could share on the coinguard. Gim Gorod had been banned from Cardinal Desires for some time after showing an obsession with the two hobgoblin sisters. Over the last few months, Gim Gorod began showing a stronger desire to reach the hobgoblin sisters, specifically the dancer Meena.   Eval said the two sisters would not help with anything involving the coinguard, and Demitri and Mortimr agreed. However, Meena told them of an interaction she saw. The coinguard had visited Cardinal Desires a long time ago with a blue-skinned man with hair of white. They seemed to talk about many serious topics. Meena did not get his name, but thought it might have been “Sky”. From the description, Demitri thought it might have been a genasi.   Meena also mentioned she had told Gim Gorod about an orc in town she had feelings for, Kororsh, in an attempt to dissuade his pursuit of her, but now Meena feared for Kororsh’s safety. Mortimr suggested for Kororsh’s safety that they keep distance from each other for the time being. Meena said that wouldn’t be a problem, as she had ended their relationship last night. Kororsh had visited late in the evening and was not acting like himself. He was obsessive and offered gifts, acting similarly to the coinguard.  
During the conversation, Naran became more and more unfocused and was drawn to Demitri and Mortimr. Naran was a fortune-teller and she was overcome with a fervor. She reached out to Demitri and there was a spark of silver glow, and she began speaking prophecies.  
To Demitri, she said, “The strings of fate surround you, like lights of radiance. They are small and frail, but they will join together and fuse, if you let them.” She continued, “Darkness seeps from you, like mud from clothes in water. You must choose, to scrub it or let it stain you. Family is forever, for both the good and the bad.” Lastly, she said, “Three spirits, ancient and vast as the ocean, mourning for the loss of one of theirs. The four are now three…”
  She came back to the present, and Demitri asked what had just happened. Naran said the Dragon of Knowledge blessed her with visions, but she couldn't control them. Naran said she was drawn to the light surrounding them, and it connected to others somewhere nearby.   Later on, Naran asked if she could read Mortimr as well. Naran said she and her sister came from far away, drawn by her visions. She felt it was her purpose and she did not want to miss her chance. Mortimr warned she may not like what she sees. Instead of the same silver energy, a pink spark from Mortimr shot back, burning Naran’s hand.  
Through the pain, she said, “An adversary unknown to you walks a parallel path, distant but closing.”
  Demitri and Mortimr thanked all three of them for their time, and they got ready to leave. Near the door, Moritmr asked about the prophecy Demitri had gotten, and they both said there were uncomfortable memories brought up by it and thought it best to discuss it later.  
Meanwhile, Chaka had been outside Cardinal Desires and saw several guards be called away from Westfield by messenger. Then, the music he’d been idly playing began picking up on its own somewhere nearby. Chaka looked for the source and followed it into a nearby alley.   Moments later, Chaka noticed the coinguard’s bodyguards walking through where he just had been standing. They looked aggressive and Chaka felt they were looking for a fight. Chaka stayed hidden and the bodyguards kept walking, leaving the area.   Chaka used a Message spell to alert Mortimr about what happened. Then, on top of the boxes Chaka was hiding, he found a small silver bell. He recognized it as the same type of bells that adorn some of the toys sold at Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders.   Elsewhere, Romulus and Ilmendwyth emerged from the city’s sewers in a residential area of Westfield. Romulus used Druidcraft to bloom the flowers in a nearby planter box to mark the sewer entrance. A half-orc orphan child saw the magic, and Romulus grew a morning glory seed into a flower for her.   From her, Romulus learned the Godsguard wanted to take her and other orphans from Porgorag to an orphanage in New Keeleon. However, Godsguard Ankhan had been unable to secure carriages yet and the roadway was dangerous. The child thanked Romulus for the flower and scampered off towards the Yew Well to water it.   As they made their way to the Darksteel Foundry, they ran into Arwin, Gertrude, and Romsca heading in the opposite direction. Chaka joined them as well, informing them about the bodyguards he saw. Chaka sent another Message to Mortimr and they all convened at Cardinal Desires. Before heading inside, Romulus sent an animal messenger to a bookstore in town.  
Cardinal Desires
Inside, Arwin shared the documents he’d taken from the coinguard’s office. The first was an unfinished love letter written to the dancer, Meena. The second was a receipt of purchase for a diamond ring from First Mountain Jewels. The last was a suspicious message sent to the coinguard. It was from someone named Azariel and mentioned the caravan directly.  
Nabat is gone. I’m taking over operations for the Commandment of Sky in his stead. You will ensure Maalik’s package is secured, either directly or by getting the caravan into TT hands. Watch for my man’s arrival to make sure you get this done. – Azariel
  Arwin brought up the fancy black box in the aid caravan’s cargo and thought it may be what the letter mentions. Demitri shared they had spoken with Meena and discussed the coinguard’s seeming obsession with her. He thought the ring might be another of his attempted gifts.   Demitri brought up Meena’s interest in Kororsh, and Romsca shared that she knew Kororsh. She described him and Mortimr recognized this was the same figure he saw leaving the coinguard’s manor last night, who he followed to Cardinal Desires. They believed the coinguard was posing as Kororsh to get past his ban. This also fit with Meena saying Kororsh was not acting like himself when he visited last night.   The party argued over what to do next with all the information they’d gathered. Some wanted to deal with the black box first, and others felt the demon activity under the city was more important.  
More Prophecies
While they discussed and rested, Ilmendwyth noticed outside the area the two hobgoblin sisters. Ilmendwyth held open the shawls covering the entrance and motioned them both inside. Naran spoke of a silvery-white light she felt connecting all the party and was drawn towards it.   Romsca reached a hand out to her, and Naran reached back and in a flash of silver, she again began speaking prophecies to all the party. As she spoke, the silver energy continued to pull through her as she turned to each party member in turn. The energy filled the room and above each of them, silvery-white light appeared above them. As she continued to talk to them all, these lights spread and connected to each of the eight of them, like strings of light woven in a web.  
To Romsca, she said, “Far from home, a child of gold. A choice, pack or clan. Ill fortune will lead to gladder things if the path of fate ahead makes those closest to you fall.” And to the larger group she said, “When you are sunk in the depths of despair, then shall your true journey begin.”   To Gertrude, she said, “She sees you, though you are far from her touch and her words. Walls are rising between you. The winds of the west shall heal the squall in the south if you follow the path through.”   To Ilmendwyth, she said, “A tree mourns. A tree’s distant touch withers. A tree watches your path. Allies tied to your string of fate walk a line between right and wrong. Choices ahead of you are not yours alone to make.”   To Arwin, she said, “Many strings, woven like fabric, are in your path. You are like a string cut from it, alone and far-flung but never truly separate. An old ally from a time before. Do they know? Have they seen? Do they watch you now?”   To Romulus, she said, “In the shade of rock and tree, a weapon of destiny awaits you. Black, like what it culls from this world. A name of greatness awaits you on this path, though you do not yet suspect what that name may be.”   When she reached Chaka, the energy in Naran faltered, and to Chaka, she said, “One day your home will welcome you again.”   Then, to the full party as the silvery-white energies above reached their peak, she said, “The four are now three. Four cogs of the prime elementals spinning as the world spins on.” The energies then broke and dissipated. Naran fainted and the light faded.
  Romsca caught her and asked Meena where she may take her. Meena led Romsca to the backrooms to a simple bed. Naran was feverish and seemingly ill. Romsca cast Cure Wounds on her, but there was an additional affect that came through her spell. A metallic silver energy ran down Romsca’s arm and into Naran, and with it Naran’s breathing calmed as she slept.   Meanwhile, Demitri, Arwin, and Gertrude went to quickly speak with Matriarch Eval. They shared their suspicions of Gim Gorod’s actions, and they asked her to hold onto the papers taken from the coinguard’s office for safekeeping.   The party made their way to the Darksteel Foundry. On the way, Romsca searched for the orphan girl but could not find her.  
Darksteel Foundry
Outside the Darksteel Foundry, the crowd outside the gates has grown over the course of the day. More agitated commoners had gathered, and one calm, hooded figure remained amongst the agitated crowd.   Inside, Romulus received a package that was sent for him. It was a book from Pages for Ages, a copy of third volume of The Manual of Monsters. Attached was a handwritten note from the owner of the shop.   Minagak from the Yewberry Apothecary was also here. She provided some info to Romulus regarding the vial he’d left for her. The material in the vial was a form of liquid stone, transformed from natural elements common in the Northern Orcish Plains. The highest concentration of this was near to the Demons' Blood Marshes. Minagak also determined it was likely the same contaminant that was affected the Yew Tree.   Captain Ruslan approached and asked how their activities had gone. The party let him know they’d secured covered wagons, which would arrive in the morning. Romsca asked after an inventory of the caravan goods and asked about the black box Arwin mentioned. Ruslan and Borscha had attempted to open the box but were unable to, as it was magically locked.   He mentioned the goliath, who had been taking additional guard shifts to stay near the black box. The party went to the storage area where the caravan goods were being held and Ruslan accompanied them.   In the warehouse, the goliath stood guard nearby the caravan goods. The goliath denied them access to the box and became agitated as they attempted to convince him otherwise. As the interaction continued, it became apparent that something was off about the goliath. The goliath did sincerely believe he was here for the aid caravan and he seemed to somewhat respect the authority of Ruslan, however he was protective of this black box and was extremely defensive of it.   Demitri suggested something may have charmed the goliath. Romulus cast Detect Magic and saw both the box and the lock were very enchanted, and he also could tell some residual effect had been cast on the goliath. When they suggested trying to fix it, the goliath became extremely agitated and seemed ready to fight.   Arwin suddenly moved forward and kicked the goliath in the groin. The goliath swung back with his fist. At the same time, Romulus dove for the box and grabbed it. He tried to transform into a beast along with the box, but the elemental energies of Romulus’s magic were shunted and absorbed. Like a vortex, the magic was pulled forcibly from Romulus into the box. So forceful was it that Cinis also got caught in the vortex and was dispelled.   With Romulus slightly stunned and Arwin engaged with the goliath, the party prepared for combat.
Report Date
16 Nov 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Time
2 Adroth 5A 352