Gorgon Petragon <WIP>

Gorgon Petragon

Gorgon Petragon is a member of the House of Agon, and paternal cousin of Blackagar and Maximus Boltagon.

Before the dissolution of the Inhuman monarchy, he was the heir to the throne.

He was a member of the Royal Inhuman Expidition which left Earth in search of a new source of Terrigen, to replace the Attilanian supply which had been destroyed in the fall of Attilan.

When the Expidition was attacked by Progenitors in the World Farm, Petragon chose to remain behind in order to buy his companions time to escape. He is still missing and is believed to be dead, although without access to the World Farm it has not been possible to verrify this.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Since undergoing terrigenesis, he has hooves rather than feet.

Special abilities

Gorgon possesses a form of Geokinesis, which allows him to generate shockwaves by stamping.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Contacts & Relations

Prior to his possible death, he had begun a romantic relationship with his cousin Medusalith Amaquelin.
Date of Death
Death disputed
Year of Birth
1984 CE 34 Years old
Place of Death
Possibly the World Farm
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Related Plots

Author's Note
The thing where every member of the Royal Family are cousins, including the ones who are married or dating, is comics canon. Attilan has a tiny population and the same family has held power for thousands of years, inbreeding is unfortunately inevitable.