Small, unoccupied, active elliptic galaxy located approximately 5 Mly extraplanar from the center of Hyperion Federation territory.   The RE-8H galaxy, though it only contains about 1 billion stars, is still an active war zone between the Hyperion Federation and Cypher Dominion. They fight for the resources already present there, as well as for the hyperquasar. This galaxy has an active hyperquasar, which, despite the small scale of the galaxy, is extremely powerful. This would provide either faction with enough energy to become significantly stronger. This does mean that the background radiation present in the core of the galaxy is extremely powerful, which can make it very difficult for most smaller factions to enter or navigate in. This radiation can even be powerful enough to damage the starships or penetrate most forms of radiation shielding, so it is very rare that primitive starships enter the core.   Both the HF and CD also continually scramble to harvest various wreckages that are created by the wars. This mostly includes destroyed starships, however, the HF has extremely strict protocol to destroy them when rendered combat incapable. Despite this value though, the galaxy isnt very well known to the population. It has retained its code name, and likely will do so, simply because the name stuck. To change it now would mean a large amount of work for archivists. It is thought that this galaxy orbits Quekat, but the radius is so large that it is almost impossible to track. It is unknown which direction it orbits. Due to this, this factor is almost entirely ignored in every case.
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