
Homeworld of the Ikagohoh species. Aejiaghoh is a world that is almost entirely covered in forests dotted with lakes and bodies of water. However, a lot of it currently has been made into cities, factories and other districts nesessary for civilization.   Although it has a high surface temperature, it actually has a large orbit from its parent star. This is because that star is class B. As such, a year for this planet passes by extremely slowly. As seasonal variation happens so slowly, some species can undergo significant physiological adaptations across a year. Although it can take them a massive amount of time to adapt to this, they tend to adapt very effectively. Ikagohohs also do this, which is possibly why they are so adaptive. The world has 2 moons. The planet has an average surface temperature of 32°C, so the temperature alone can make most races highly uncomfortable. However, this has been observed to drop significantly when not under the cover of the almost world-spanning canopy, down to 27°C.   It can be quite difficult for other species to live on this world though. The wildlife of this planet can be quite dangerous, but rarely can penetrate the strong carapace of an ikagohoh. Specifically, due to the large number of rainforests, there are a lot of leeches. There is also a space elevator on the world. There has been a large ethical dillema over this project, but was ultimately finished and is now operational. It has had impacts on the local wildlife, which didnt evolve to deal with space elevators running nearby.
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