Iritais System

Star system of the Anagon Technocracy, located in the Arcturus galaxy.   The iritais system parent star is a neutron star. This neutron star is close enough to their homeworld, Urgand, that it would be deemed habitable to Anagons. However, there was the issue in that the star has no binary system 'sister' like Urgand has (the class A star). This issue would be solved with the help of the Hyperion Federation, by placing a satellite in orbit around Iratais that emit the extremely bright light required for anagon life. Of course, this would not have a cheap energy cost to keep running so the anagons got their allies to set up a huge number of geothermal power stations on a half broken lava planet close to the neutron star. These have been mostly automated.   Relatively recently (on a cosmological timescale) the star underwent supernova. Due to this, all the planets are glassed and a thick nebula is left over form the star. This blocks almost all scans from obtaining specifics within the system, so the anagons often use this system to test out some more classified weapons. To conceal themselves further, they run patrol ships through the system and make use of HF high power radars on stations which can more or less ignore the nebula via sheer emitted power. This also provides the inhabitants with an increased sense of safety from various external threats (mostly the Alti Dominion).   However, the nebula is quite hot because of the powerful, rotating magnetic field of the neutron star, which makes it dangerous to traverse. In return for all this, the HF was given a lot of information about the anagon race itself and their society. The HF also gained a more efficient way to manufacture QCD matter. The Republic of Miasi gained military support from the Technocracy.
Star System
Location under
Owning Organization


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