Cygo System

The home system of the Ashe Followers. Cygo is a class F star.   First world - Banlgat, a lava world. Banlgat is partly comprised of metals like iron, nickel, tungsten. This makes it very valuable as the Ashe has set up a large number of mining equipment on the world. There are also space elevators on the world.   2nd world - Olevuran, also a lava world. Although not as hot as Banlgat, it is still incredibly hot and as such, lava is commonly seen on the surface. It is not as rich in useful metal as Banlgat, but it is still rich and the core of the planet is difficult but a significant boon to mine. The Ashe is currently mining the crust.   3rd world - Qeularat, a barren planet. It is far less rich than the lava worlds but it still has a lot of metal ore. Unlike the lava planets, this world also has rarer metals such as iridium and gold.   4th world - Regius, a habitable water planet. This is the homeworld of the Ashe Followers species and the majority of the surface is covered in water. This planet features no continents, just islands. As such, the early Ashe methods of mining were all waterproof. On this world, many individual nations formed before one, more powerful than any other, took the rest of the world by force and formed the Ashe Followers.   5th world - Regeus, a habitable planet mostly covered in exotic jungle. There was a pre-sapient species inhabiting it, but they were uplifted by the Ashe and forced into the Ashe religion. Although there are fewer oceans on the world, life is still allowed to exist due to the abundance of rain. This rain ends up in several pools, lakes and the few oceans before evaporationg again. The Followers somewhat disrupted this, though, as many trees were destroyed in their invasion. This led to poorer quality life and a lot of pollution.   6th world - Fnualar, a colder, but almost habitable barren planet. It has been classified as a terraforming candidate, but it might be a cold world to live on. Although there are also a decent quantity of metal and rare metal ore.   7th world - Ketun, a gas giant. Ketun is the largest planet in the system, has a ring and 63 moons. In current times, the gas giant has recently started being exploited for hydrogen via large hydrogen synthesis stations.   8th world - Kernalar, which is a very cold planet. This is because it is so far from the star. There are large mountains, but the most interesting feature is the richness in rare metals.   9th world - Jartnarl, a very cold planet. This planet is almost completely empty and featureless. This is because the world is large and has a strong gravity. The crust of the planet is very thick.   10th world - Cnesluar, a very cold dwarf planet. This world has more features than Jartnarl, because of the much lower grarvity that does not pull mountains down.
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