Gravitational Anomaly Bastion

Star System that has been fortified beyond what any sane person would do. Controlled by the Republic of Miasi, it is located in the Alti - Miasi front. The system has been named so due to its unique feature - the gravitational anomalies which pull in any ships towards them, making launching attacks on the place even more difficult.   The area has a lot of wreckages from previous Alti-miasi battles. It was attacked a lot by the Alti as it is built on a strategic location, but the Miasi breaks the wreckages present for resources, making  the system valuable for Miasi. The Miasan ships there are trained to make good use good the gravitational anomalies, which the Alti Dominion armed forces are not used to having to deal with. This further improves the defenders advantage in the system, especially since gravity from the anomalies work a little differently from most gravity. They tend to slingshot starships very easily, so they do not destroy objects. This defies the law of conservation of energy and momentum, but the cause for this is not known. It might have been created by some precursor artifact (likely for a glaxy like Arcturus that has a lot of precursor activity).
Star System
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