Characters of the Free City

This section gives updated information for all the NPCs within Greyhawk City whose lives have changed significantly during the war years. DMs may modify certain changes if they don’t fit with developments in their own campaigns. The large majority of NPCs has not been changed from the entries in the City of Greyhawk boxed set; DMs may wish to make changes additional to those listed here.

As noted, “Aaron Strachan” (FFF, p.8) has ceased to exist as such (see “Politics of Greyhawk” above). Tigran Gellner (FFF, p.9) is now a 9th-level warrior (58 hp), and is now Captain-General of the City Watch, following the removal and death of Sental Nurev (FFF, p.9; see Politics above). Tenser (FFF, p.22) and Otiluke (FFF, pp. 25-27) were destroyed, apparently by Rary (FFE p.25), who has fled to an unknown area of the Bright Desert, as recounted in the Atlas of the Flanaess.

Janziduur of Trithereon (FFF, p.29) is now a 7th-level warrior/ 12th-level priest (83 hp) and has acquired a ring of free action and a staff of striking (12 charges) during her adventures in Ulek. Ren o’the Star (FFF, p.35) is dead, as noted earlier, and has been replaced as Master of his Union as noted.

In the Thieves’ Guild, the major change has been that Tomas Ratek the Master Thief of the River Quarter (FFF, pp. 39-40), and Sharyn Messandier the Master Thief of the Thieves’ Quarter (FFF, p. 40) were quietly disposed of in late 583 CY when their scheming against Nerof was uncovered. They have been replaced, respectively, by Merreck Purzell and Thurman Dietrien, both 9th-level thieves of neutral alignment (and supporters of Org Nenshen!).

In the Assassins’ Guild, as noted, Turin Deathstalker (FFF, pp. 42-43) has become Commandant of the Safeton garrison. Vesparian Lafanel (FFF, p.43) has replaced him as Guildmaster. Caprica Molara (FFF, p. 44) died during Brewfest, 583 CY, her madness having finally overcome her. Vesparian has acted swiftly to replace her with his choice of second-in- command, Jaryn Lejenaus (see Heroes and Villains).

Among the Rhennee, Zorran Sarraith (FFF, p. 49) is now a 10th-level warriorl12th-level thief (77 hp) and is in league with Iuz. He regularly ships out to Admundfort with information and hostages taken from piratical raids. While he and his men are known to sail on a barge, Iuz’s priests have given this Rhennee a miniaturized vessel akin to a folding boat but of larger size when unfolded (treat as a galleon). This vessel has cannonlike mountings that fire globes of paralyzation (treat as wand of paralyzation; range 24“, Dex check to determine successful hit, 15’ diameter area of effect).

The ship can generate magical fogs that do not affect the vision or line of sight of the crew (details should be improvised by the DM). The galleon is also enchanted so that those aboard gradually change alignment to evil (DMs ruling for length of time aboard to shift alignment).

Sarraith‘s allegiance with Iuz is known among the Rhennee, but these people would never tell outsiders of it.

Old Mother Grubb’s House of Fortune (FFF, p.49) was rumbled in late 582 CY when one of her victims, a paladin of Pelor, had friends come looking for him. The occupants were put to the sword, the place burned to the ground, and an orphanage erected on the site.

The Shapechangers (FFF, p.52) are still alive and plying their dangerous trade. All members have gained one experience level (Clannair Blackshadow is an F7/Wiz9 now).

Members of the Fellowship of the Torch (FFF, p.69) became war heroes of Furyondy and the Highfolk during the Greyhawk Wars. Their war careers and current statistics are described in the Heroes and Villains section.

Valderesse and Artur, Knights of Holy Shielding (FFF, p.73), escaped to Greyhawk during the fall of the Shield Lands. From there, they traveled to Furyondy, accompanied by mercenaries, to fight in the campaign against Iuz. Valderesse was slain by a priest of Iuz during the battle for Crockport, a skirmish in which Artur‘s battle frenzy that resulted from her death marked the beginning of an insanity. Not until he was brought back to Littleberg was this magically treated. After that time, he fought the rest of the war campaign in the same lands.

Artur does not trust “political” Knights of Holy Shielding because he feels that Holmer was stupid to refuse Furyondian advice. With Valderesse dead, he has cast aside his oaths to the Knights and is now Count Artur Jakartai of the northern frontier province of Crystalreach in Furyondy, ennobled by a King wise enough to see the value of the man. Artur’s wisdom tells him to watch and wait. He fortifies and protects his lands, waiting for the final war he knows will come.

Artur is now a 16th-level warrior (1 18 hp). He owns a girdle of cloud giant strength. No one in his right mind would want to cross him.

Griffith Adarian (FFF, pp. 75-76) now rarely visits the Free City, living and working in the Adri Forest to fight the Bone March marauders as well as the lesser threat from Aerdi soldiery. He still recruits mercenaries, paying with emeralds from a wholly unknown source. He is still subject to depressions, but has changed very oddly. His eyes shine with a green light almost discernible in dim lighting, and the muscle tone of his body is changed; he is leaner, taut, hardened. Reza, his tigress, died peacefully in her sleep at the beginning of 584 CY. Griffith prefers to speak elven whenever possible.

Christa the street urchin (FFF, p.81) is now an undersized waif of 15 years but is otherwise unchanged. She managed to steal a ring of invisibility from a victim, and is now a very skilled little mugger (4th-level thief, 10 hp). Naas Sarainy Siobharek (FFF, p.82), the Scarlet Brotherhood spy, is a half-elf of increasing importance and is featured in the Heroes and Villains section.

Skandar Gundersson (FFF, p.84) left the city in haste after Sental Nurev’s exposure; the Directors are still offering 1,000 gp for his head. Torrentz Hebvard (FFF, p.85) has had his cursed circlet removed and is now a 12th-level wizard, active in Guild politics (where he argues for neutrality between the major powers of Oerik and is opposed to the Nyrondese).

Articles under Characters of the Free City

Aestrella Shanfarel Greyhawk Dragon
Organization | Nov 30, 2023
Agarat Esiassen Priest of Incabulos
Organization | Nov 29, 2023
Amadeus Wolfzart Director of the Opera
Organization | Nov 29, 2023
Caprica Molara
Organization | Nov 27, 2023
Clannair Blackshadow
Organization | Nov 28, 2023
Darnak Khorshkan Head Porter, Guild of Wizardry
Organization | Nov 22, 2023
Diarmid Hesperion The Spymaster
Organization | Nov 28, 2023
Organization | Dec 23, 2023
Garyne the Shroudrender
Organization | Nov 29, 2023
Gaspar The Beggarmaster
Organization | Nov 28, 2023
Geren Laraith Ranger and Werefriend
Organization | Nov 30, 2023
Griffith Adarian Druid
Organization | Nov 30, 2023
Grimmri Fischer Jokester
Organization | Nov 30, 2023
Grotnek Urtekknis
Organization | Nov 29, 2023
Haarkon Diardra The Taskmaster
Organization | Nov 28, 2023
Harral Shastri
Organization | Nov 28, 2023
Heironymous Tigana Alchemist, Guild of Wizardry
Organization | Nov 23, 2023
Imogen Gellett, "Barmaid"
Organization | Nov 28, 2023
Jallarzi Sallavarian
Organization | Dec 16, 2023
Jamir Rellstar
Organization | Nov 29, 2023
Janziduur Priest of Trithereon
Organization | Nov 26, 2023
Jawal Severnain Librarian, Guild of Wizardry
Organization | Nov 23, 2023
Jerome Kazinskaia Patriarch of Rao
Organization | Nov 26, 2023
Kaak'erek Arglowan Hobgoblin Shaman of Incabulos
Organization | Nov 29, 2023
Kaarain Mandair Priest of Erythnul
Organization | Nov 28, 2023
Kahari Kellainen Theatrical Director
Organization | Nov 29, 2023
Kilarien Allavesse Mistress of Magic
Organization | Nov 30, 2023
Kondradis Bubka Mage of Exchange
Organization | Nov 23, 2023
Larrat Helfdene Master Thief, Slum Quarter
Organization | Nov 27, 2023
Marie Sennefort Illusionist
Organization | Nov 30, 2023
Maritai Jaruman Priest of Pelor
Organization | Nov 29, 2023
Organization | Dec 23, 2023
Nastassia Aiareni Nightstar Fighter/Mage
Organization | Nov 30, 2023
Organization | Dec 23, 2023
Old Mother Grubb - Disguised Vampire
Organization | Nov 28, 2023
Organization | Dec 15, 2023
Organization | Dec 23, 2023
Pavel Alektrion Master Thief, Garden Quarter
Organization | Nov 27, 2023
Pietain Morannis Manager of the Pit
Organization | Nov 29, 2023
Rashif Iqbal Champion Wrestler
Organization | Nov 29, 2023
Ren o' The Star Master of the Merchants' and Traders' Union
Organization | Dec 14, 2023
Repnel Porton Master Thief, Artisans' Quarter
Organization | Nov 27, 2023
Ricard Damaris Proprietor, Green Dragon Inn
Organization | Nov 29, 2023
Samrad Bevrain "Master of Monsters"
Organization | Nov 29, 2023
Sarana High Matriarch of Pelor
Organization | Nov 25, 2023
Selczek Gobayuik Guildmaster of Embalmers and Gravediggers
Organization | Nov 26, 2023
Sental Nurev Captain-General of the Watch
Organization | Dec 14, 2023
Sharyn Messandier - Sharyn of Kurell - Master Thief, Thieves' Quarter
Organization | Nov 27, 2023
Simeon Hellwater The Treasurer
Organization | Nov 28, 2023
Simpkin Furzear -The Weasel - Master Thief, Foreign Quarter
Organization | Nov 27, 2023
Sir Garvin Ambus Nightwatchmen Guildmaster
Organization | Nov 22, 2023
Tamek McGloogan
Organization | Nov 29, 2023
Tobin Potriades Senior Tutor, The University
Organization | Nov 23, 2023
Tomas Ratek Master Thief, River Quarter
Organization | Nov 27, 2023
Turin Deathstalker Master, Guild of Assassins
Organization | Dec 14, 2023
Valderesse Sharn Lady of Holy Shielding
Organization | Nov 30, 2023
Xanthi Lamman High Priestess of Nerull
Organization | Nov 29, 2023
Zoran Sarraith Rhennee Lord
Organization | Nov 28, 2023


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