
Monstrosities are a category of creatures that do not fit other types; they are not ordinary, not truly natural, and almost always dangerous. They are sometimes the product of magical experimentation, curses, or effects of energies from planes outside the Material Plane. They defy typical categorization, and in some sense this typing serves as a catch-all for creatures that don’t fit into any other type.

Notable Monstrosities

Campaign One: Zenethian Heroes

  • Imperfect Psaro: When he was confronted by the Zenethian Heroes at the Citadel of Bronze, Psaro used an incomplete version of the Power of Evolution. This transformed him into a mindless monstrosity which blindly attacked until he was killed by the Heroes.

Azimuth Anthology: Vikramadi

  • Heitei: Heitei the worg was the mount of Kholvek Vundruk during his military career. Heitei was with Kholvek during the events of the Tarterian War up to the shipwreck of the Vikramadi. Heitei would survive the battles that occured in the aftermath and live alongside Kholvek in Frozen Fleet Post.

List of Monstrosities

  • Ankheg
  • Bulette
  • Cockatrice
  • Doppelganger
  • Grimmlet
  • Harpy
  • Kruthik
  • Mudmutt
  • Owlbear
  • Purple Worm
  • Roc
  • Sphinx
  • Worg
  • History

    The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
    4A 995
    In 4A 995, the Zenethian Children protected their donkey, Chedae, from a Roc attack in the Wild Lands near the Roc Cliffs.   4A 996
    In early 4A 996, Leo, Trip, and Brigitte battled and killed a Purple Worm which was being worshipped as an idol by a cult of goblins.   In 4A 996, a Doppelganger disguised as Psaro the Manslayer attacked the Zenethian Heroes at The Arena of Endor, the First Mountain. The Arena was severely damaged and the Doppelganger was killed.   In 4A 996, the Zenethian Heroes battled several Harpies in the Leviathan Sea.   In late 4A 996, Rath, the Blackguard, was tricked into releasing another disguised Doppelganger from a prison in Castle Branca. The Doppelganger had been captured in an assassination attempt on King Alphonse Brancana. This Doppelganger was quickly killed by the Zenethian Heroes.   4A 997
    On 2 Janafen 4A 997, the Zenethian Heroes battled against Psaro at the Citadel of Bronze. Psaro used an incomplete version of the Power of Evolution. This transformed him into a mindless monstrosity which blindly attacked until he was killed by the Heroes.  
    The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
    5A 023
    On 12 Naerui 5A 023, Heitei, the Worg mount of Kholvek Vundruk, survived the wreck of the Vikramadi. Kholvek mounted Heitei during combat with several trolls and polar bears.   Later, Heitei bore Kholvek to Mösön Uul and evaded more trolls at the Urskan Crevasse.   5A 178
    On 20 Sedaena 5A 178, Luyos intervened in a battle between The Copper Dozen and several Kruthiks in the Iron Range.   On 21 Sedaena 5A 178, Luyos battled a Kruthik outside a tunnel entrance to the Horukzul Caverns. It was killed by the leader of The Copper Dozen.   On 23 Sedaena 5A 178, a group of Kruthiks led by Daelee battled Luyos and The Copper Dozen at the source tarn of the Immrinni Stream. The surviving kruthiks were tracked and slain in the mountains outside the Fane of Black Hematite.   5A 351
    On 25 Sedaena 5A 351, the Turnip Tillers entered the Underdark beneath Bridon Tillage. At a Fungal Nursery they defeated several Grimmlets which had come through a planar portal seemingly leading to Nadiria, the Plane of Darkness.   5A 352
    On 2 Madaet 5A 352, the Lost Vessel Seekers fought a mated pair of Owlbears near Fort Johanna in the Kingdom of Endor.   On 29 Madaet 5A 352, the Provideniye came to the aid of the Testudo at Rune Pike, which was under attack from several Harpies. The Harpies were throwing the crew of the ships into the sea to feed on the floatsam caused by Reef Sharks.   When the Lightbringers visited the Hero Hunters Facility in Porgorag in 5A 352, there were several statues of creatures in the courtyard. One of these statues was of an owlbear.   On 3 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers saw the taxidermied head of a Bulette above the fireplace at the Glistening Hog Tavern.   On 10 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers were ambushed by several demonoil-tainted Ankhegs of various sizes while camping along the Orc Highway.   On 12 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers saw a job posting for handling a flock of Cockatrice harrassing farmers outside New Keeleon. That evening, they saw the pelt of a Sphinx hanging on the wall of the Far Bar Inn.   In the morning of 14 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers approached Nedurr, a bugbear druid, and were quickly accosted by several Mudmutts that were pack-bonded to him.


    Campaign One: Zenethian Heroes

    • Arc 3: The Wild Lands and Konenbur: Roc.
    • Arc 6: The Lands of Santeem: Purple Worm.
    • Arc 7: The Lands of Endor: Doppelganger.
    • Arc 8: Towards Esturk, The World's End: Harpies.
    • Arc 9: Towards Parthenia and Psaro: Doppelganger.
    • Arc 9: Towards Parthenia and Psaro: Imperfect Psaro.

    Azimuth Anthology

    Campaign Two: Lightbringers

    Monstrosity   Planes
    Material Plane   Known Locations