CAMP Year Two Notes

CAMP Session 51

  Bliznia Situation: The East Side Cobras are nearly at war with the Reptilians , and crime has exploded across Bliznea.
Summers of the Characters:   Teacher Interactions: Korzin talks about battleball and an upcoming get-together. Cila talks archerball and recruitment. Theo talks with Cassandra Angelos , who gives him the idea for an Apricorn but actually wants to make him a Pokémon. He decides to tie a sending stone to the creature, thanks to Rossi. Folantis talks to Cassandra about his nightmares and how to alleviate them. Olivia talks to Cila about her internship and plans to continue helping. Haeg is specifically asked to sign up for a new Botany class by a very short new teacher.
Plot Developments: Fortuna Woolworth is overheard mentioning that "they considered the arena but apparently they’ll do it at the senate itself," referencing the upcoming wedding between Percival Bloom and Octavia Basil . Prof. Tyrxian Arrorodol is introduced as a new, somewhat hungover teacher who tells Folantis to "get got."
Irma Sarlynn , a well-dressed, jumpy woman, approaches Cila, expressing interest in joining the BBABB, though she seems sketchy. Sebastian Irons , Constable of Bliznia Byron Irons ' kid, is introduced and seems nervous around Theo. Later, he introduces himself to Korzin as well.
Cobra and Gang Politics: Rhubarb talks to Folantis about changes in the East Side Cobras , mentioning a new king named Hurts , and discusses the rising tension with the Reptilians s, a Dragonborn gang. Cyrax the Goliath makes an appearance, ordering six hotdogs with no buns, which is described as wild.
New Leadership at CAMP: Alton Longbranch introduces himself as the new VP of CAMP, emphasizing moving on from past debacles. Percival Bloom is revealed as the new Headmaster of CAMP , who talks about running the school like a business.
The Snake Pit Meeting: Theo is informed by Toots that the Cobras have a new Princess, replacing his previous role. At the Snake Pit, Hurts discusses the land purchases being made by Glitz the Rapscallion and confronts a seller named Roy. In a show of power, Hurts executes Roy, making it clear that the upcoming war is about territory.
Theo's Concerns: Theo talks to Toots, urging her to keep the kids of the Boys and Girls Club out of the coming battle, feeling proud of her efforts.



CAMP Session 53

    Drake and Rossi's Argument: Drake and Joe Rossi are arguing about Henrietta's living circumstances. Henrietta was Zek Phorian ’s pet and now demands luxury items like silk sheets and a tea kettle, rejecting the idea of being kept in a cage. Zephyr gets a new, spacious cage the size of a room in Rossi’s office.

Korzin's Encounter: Alton Longbranch visits Korzin, pretending to look concerned. He brings news that Korzin’s father was attacked off-duty by a Paladin of Tidbit and had a hex placed on him. Korzin’s father was found holding a symbol featuring two rounded cylinders with an inset "W" behind it, which he pulled off someone.

School and Government: Bliznean Government: A ton of Cobras are now at the school. Atticus Galanis is behind the desk but is clueless about what he’s teaching.
Leaders of Bliznea: Senate of Bliznia , led by Consul Publius Basil, decides what goes up for a vote. Senators work as magistrates and handle various duties.
Botany Class: The classroom has Feywilde plants, and Professor Saxi Rarodell , a female gnome, is pruning them. A big yellow plant, resembling a Weepinbell, is in the room, with a warning to not get too close.

Odd Encounter: During lunch, the protagonist spots a shady half-elf exiting the girl’s dorms with a bag. When seen, he teleports away using Misty Step. His name is Oscar Godswood
Gyro Shop and Bliznea: The group heads to the Onasis Gyro and Malts , where a sign announces the end of the Onasis Gyro and Malt Shop on Saturday. Behind the bar is Jack, a blue aasimar and family friend, with a little goblin named Diane in the kitchen. Onasis is in jail. The group decides to go to Bliznea to find Zoe. Theo offers to help keep the shop open.

Reptilians Encounter: The group encounters younger dragonborn from the Reptilions gang, including Gek, Gil, and Ump, who are drinking and smoking near a portal. They eye the group suspiciously. The situation escalates, and the protagonist ends up in jail after an encounter with a constable.

Folantis Pluma ' Task: Folantis decides to go meet with the Cobra King to address the ongoing issues.


      CAMP Session 54 (orginally 48)   At CAMP: Cila Colkyre ’s Dorm: The police ("the fuzz") arrive at the admin building, causing Cila to freak out and roll for anxiety. She feels like she needs to lie her way out.

Cassandra Angelos ’s Class: Percy and the cops interrupt the class, calling out Theo Atzetari , Korzin Sabroth , and Heagwin Helstain . They are placed in individual rooms for interrogation. Cila is also taken away after a knock on her door. She remains defiant.

Interrogations: Interrogations are conducted individually, with each person being pulled out one by one. Haeg manages to get off, but the rest are taken downtown.

Legal Situation: Mother’s Brother: A lawyer with a poor success rate (13%), learned law in jail, representing one of the characters (likely Theo). Father’s Brother: Another lawyer with a much higher success rate, but for some reason, not chosen. Other Lawyers: Korzin’s lawyer is Mr. Sawbell (name spelling uncertain). Theo and Cila might also be involved with him. Oliver's Cousin: Another lawyer option mentioned.

Surprising Twist: Alvis Sifuentes is revealed to be the public defender, adding another layer of tension and complexity to the situation.

      CAMP Session 55 (orginally 49)   Hawegwin’s Dorm: Hawegwin’s uncle arrives, described as a hot mess. Although he's a high elf, it's hard to tell due to his disheveled appearance.
Legal and Court Updates: Sufientes has a chipped horn and gives advice that lying and leaving out a few details is sometimes necessary to win a case.
Theo’s Lawyer: Donavin Eltoris is mentioned as a possible lawyer. Luna has been removed from the Senate, and Tiltom is noted as eccentric but capable.
Haegwin in the Library: Haegwin reads "The Heroes of Nearby," a story about an adventuring party that came from a non-existent city to a rocky port. They fought a dragon, who hoarded gold and magical items, and eventually created Bliznea. One hero, Ormond Basil, is central to the story. Another book presents a different perspective, revealing that the heroes killed the local people and the dragon that protected them. They sold the magic items and counterfeits, with Basil at the center of these actions, suggesting this version is likely the truth.
Court Proceedings: Tortu Verolli is introduced as the Magistrate/Senator, with Rodrigo as the judge. The prosecutor discovers that all the witnesses, including Irons, the guards, and Detective Jones, are dead, leaving only Haegwin as a living witness, raising suspicions.

  CAMP Session 56 (orginal 51)   Cila's Trial: Cila takes a break, feeling uncomfortable and burdened by the unsolved murders. She is determined that not everyone should get off free and plans to tell the truth when she takes the stand. During the trial, Haeg struggles to remember much and mentions healing people. Sufientes shifts his strategy to discredit Haeg, arguing that without a witness, there’s no crime. Cila eventually takes the stand and does her "Cila thing."
Theo's Trial: Donavan Eltoris is Theo’s lawyer. In a consultation, they meet in a pitch-black room with Oliver and Rodrigo (a former senator who worked with Basil and was elected to his position by a Basil-headed committee). Theo is advised to keep an eye on Cila and the group.
Verdicts: All defendants are found not guilty.
After the Trials: Haeg: After the trial, Haeg sits on a bench and is approached by Beezles, who offers him a deal. Haeg says he’ll think about it, but Beezles dismisses this and leaves. Haeg returns to his dorms, hears gossip about his honesty during the trial, and has some light-hearted moments with his roommate before contemplating quietly.
Theo: Upon returning home, Theo notices that his door has been tampered with and feels watched. He chases down his watcher with the help of Nakobe and finds a Dragonborn who reveals that a school board member with senate ties was having Theo watched to ensure he wouldn’t cause trouble. Theo lets him go, and Nakobe gets a fish as a reward.
Cila: After the trial, Cila goes to see Olivia, who is researching senate proceedings and looking to help Oliver find a new constable. Cila helps her find the necessary information and suggests that Olivia herself should take on the role of constable.
Next Day: In Tactics Class, Theo follows the district attorney and overhears a meeting involving Percy, Octavia, Sufientes, and others. A voice Theo doesn’t recognize mentions overwhelming someone with new cases and arresting the new constable. The district attorney expresses doubts about the agreement, followed by the sound of him being executed as the scene ends.

  CAMP Session 57 (orginal 53)   Daily Activities and Notes: Theo receives a note from Zoe about the shop and is looking into whether the offer is still up. Haegwin is involved in some chess-related activities. Cila gets a visit from Hilaria, who announces she is running for Senate and offers Cila a position on her team. Korzin finds a letter under his door, revealing that his father is okay. The Protagonist (likely Theo) finds a note under their door from someone named Godswood (possibly Oscar), asking them to name the treasure they miss most in exchange for its return.
Meetup and Planning: The group meets up at a place known for strawberry milkshakes. They joke about the "Lactose Lord" and discuss their plans. Folantis wakes up late, and Rhubarb is staying at the Boys' and Girls' Club, not because of the recent incident. Zephyr has done well in his task of gathering 90 ferrets for Operation Ferret. Cila and Olivia discuss how to stop the upcoming wedding between Octavia and Percival. Cila suggests arson, but they ultimately dismiss the idea.
Theo's Mission: Theo heads to the Senate, where the wedding will take place, and sees a flying figure in the sky. He teleports into Octavia’s office, where he finds her fulfilling her obligations to marry Percival. It becomes clear that she is not entirely truthful and that the wedding is not her choice—it’s implied that her father made a deal with a devil.
Discussion of Devil Pacts: Cila and Olivia discuss the difficulty of escaping devil pacts and speculate about the involvement of Asmodeus and Beezlebub in the situation. They also mention that Ulrich is returning.
Haegwin's Discovery: Haegwin finds a strange black and blue flower but does not pick it.
Wedding Chaos: The group begins executing Operation Ferret. Folantis gets attacked during the operation, but they proceed with their plans. At the wedding, Theo notices many familiar faces, including Sufientes talking to someone in a nice toga, possibly the person seen flying earlier. Korzin sees both Percival’s slimy-looking family and Olivia’s large family. Glitz the Rapscallion and Hurtz the King Cobra are also present, along with many other wealthy guests. Theo and Cila grab Octavia during the chaos, but she escapes, and they pursue her. However, they are stopped by a barrier (a Wall of Force), while Octavia and Percival are on a stage engulfed in flames. Consul Basil is revealed to be the figure with glowing red eyes, who causes Theo and Cila to blink out of existence, sending Theo to a demi-plane and Cila to the Shadowfell. The ceremony is completed, with Percival crowned and both he and Octavia sprouting devil horns, indicating they have sealed their devilish pact.
Plans and Reactions: The group had planned to embarrass Percival, set the ferrets free, set fire to the flowers, and kidnap Octavia, but the situation escalates into complete chaos, culminating in the revelation of the devilish nature of the wedding and its participants.


    CAMP Session 58 orginal 54?)
  Recap and Context: Octavia, Percy, and Basil have transformed into devils, with Percy being crowned.
Time Skip: A day and a half passes, and it's now Monday. A mandatory event is held in the courtyard, where the group is taken by Alton Longbranch and Roger Jenkins. City and Senate Building: The group is marched into town, where they see the burnt ruins of the Senate building, which has been destroyed. Consul Basil, now with red skin and curly horns, addresses the crowd, claiming that terrorists attacked Bliznea during the wedding (implying it was the group) and calls for Percy to become a dictator to "protect" the city. A Phoenix present at the wedding makes a comment about how democracy dies and then disappears into the crowd.
Retreat to the Malt Shop: The group retreats to the Malt Shop, where they are let in by Zoe and taken to the basement. Ulrich thanks Zoe for providing a place to hide. The adults discuss the situation, revealing that Basil, Octavia, and Percy are devils and need to be killed, along with Beelzebul. The city is now a warzone between the Rapscallions and the Cobras.
Individual Moments: Theo notices his eyes flashing red, indicating Beelzebul's influence. Zephyr recoils from him, and Theo discovers flies emerging from Zephyr's feathers, signaling Beelzebul's presence. Haegwin discovers various plants in the greenhouse, including one that looks like Starbloom, which could be related to werewolves or poison. Folantis goes to the library to research Phoenix Aarakocras and finds that they originate from volcanic islands and are skilled wizards and sorcerers. They can be reborn from their ashes unless destroyed before rebirth.
Investigations and Discoveries: Theo and Cila search for Olivia but find her room filled with flies and slugs, with no sign of her. They discover a note with an address and the initials BUHQ on her desk. Cila and Theo snoop through files in Olivia's desk, finding detailed profiles on themselves, which include critical observations of their personalities and behavior. Cila shares the address with Theo, recognizing it as the home of Xavier Eltoris, a senator's house that was once targeted but never robbed.
Encounter with Beelzebul: Cila and Theo have a tense encounter with Beelzebul, who declares that Cila belongs to him and expresses displeasure with Sufientes. Beelzebul warns that if he doesn't have the crown, something terrible will happen.
To Bliznea: Theo and Haegwin head to the address, discovering an overgrown garden with a recently buried area and a Death’s Beckon flower, which Haegwin takes. They find a symbol on the door indicating they should use the backdoor, as used by Oliver. The group solves a riddle involving an arch and gains entry into the building, which Olivia and Oliver have been turning into a secret headquarters.
Secret Headquarters: Inside, they find books on demonology, files on Bhumi, senators, Sufientes, Basil, and more. They also discover a picture of the Crown of Asmodeus, which was placed on Percy's head, solidifying his devilish transformation.



CAMP Session 59

  Recap and Current Status Octavia Basil , Percival Bloom , and Gaius Basil have transformed into devils, with Percy being officially crowned using the Crown of Asmodeus. Making him King of Bliznia
Time Skip: A day and a half pass, bringing the story to Monday.
Mandatory Courtyard Event The group is forcibly taken by Alton Longbranch and Rodger Jenkins , escorted by the heavily guarded Bliznean Legion wearing restrictive masks. They are marched into town to the burnt ruins of the Senate building, now destroyed and guarded tightly.
Consul of Bliznia Gaius Basil , now with red skin and curly horns, addresses the crowd, falsely claiming that the group attacked Bliznea during the wedding.
Basil proposes Percy as a dictator to "protect" the city, while a mysterious Phoenix at the wedding remarks on the demise of democracy before vanishing.
Retreat to the Malt Shop The group—including Olivia Smoke , Theo Atzetari , Cila Colkyre , Heagwin Helstain , Korzin Sabroth , and Folantis Pluma —is taken to the Onasis Gyro and Malts basement by Zoe Onasis , where they hide among numerous flies.
Ulrich Atzetari expresses gratitude to Zoe for the hiding spot. It is revealed that Basil, Octavia, and Percy are devils, and the mission now is to eliminate them along with Baalzebul .
The city descends into a warzone between the Reptilians and East Side Cobras
Individual Challenges and Discoveries Theo experiences his eyes flashing red, signaling Beelzebul's influence, causing tension with Zephyr Haegwin explores the greenhouse, identifying various mysterious plants like Starbloom and Death’s Beckon, potentially linked to supernatural elements. Folantis researches Phoenix Aarakocras in the library, uncovering their origins and rebirth cycle tied to volcanic islands. Theo and Cila search for Olivia in the library, finding her room overrun with flies and discovering files detailing personal profiles and missions, including a picture of the Crown of Asmodeus on Percy's head. Confrontation with Beelzebul Cila is transported to a cold, grey realm where Beelzebul demands access to their secrets, specifically seeking Haegwin and Theo. The protagonist attempts to intervene but faces supernatural obstacles, including physical changes like growing "nubs" on the back and increasing influence from Beelzebul.
Uncovering the Crown's History Information reveals that Osmodeus, the former king of hell, was defeated by Besar Katu , who trapped Beelzebul in the 8th Circle using an artifact—the Crown of Asmodeus—originally acquired by Ormund Basil .
Olivia and Oliver believe the pursuit of the crown has fueled their obsession with power. Beelzebul fought against Osmodeus during the conquest and warns against destroying the crown, complicating their mission.
Plans to Overcome Devilish Contracts The group discusses the difficulty of breaking contracts with devils, considering options like convincing the signer to relinquish the pact or eliminating the signatory. Midas Narkissos is a potential ally but is currently untraceable, last seen at the wedding and reuniting with his ex-wife, Ribellla The Reckless .
Encounters with Oliver and Magical Obstacles Theo discovers an illusion of Oliver in a magical mirror, revealing that Oliver Eltoris is trapped in Hell and unable to assist. An attempt to destroy the mirror triggers a trap, leading to chaos with glowing glyphs that weaken devil magic, allowing Haegwin to intervene.
Strategizing and Moving Forward The group decides to seek help from Eromena {New God} and heads toward the Cobra base, which borders the Reptilians base. They encounter various allies and adversaries, including Rhubarb , Tony Shorts , Pomegranate , and Ambrosia , who are actively engaged in the conflict. Theo attempts to reach his father amidst the chaos of increased legionnaire presence in Bliznia .
Final Push to Retrieve the Crown Theo and Haegwin infiltrate a rundown estate by breaking through an iron fence, discovering the Death’s Beckon flower—a key to their mission. They solve a riddle to enter the secret headquarters, previously maintained by Olivia and Oliver, finding extensive resources on demonology and the devil hierarchy. A crucial discovery is made: the Crown of Asmodeus has been placed on Percival Bloom 's head, solidifying his transformation into a devil.
Climactic Developments Cila is captured and transported to Hell, asserting her allegiance to Baalzebul The group faces mounting challenges, including internal distrust, supernatural threats, and the overarching goal to obtain and destroy the crown to defeat the devilish rulers. The narrative sets the stage for an intense confrontation, emphasizing alliances, betrayals, and the desperate fight to reclaim their city from demonic control.
Key Themes and Motifs
  • Power and Corruption: The pursuit and possession of the Crown symbolize the corrupting influence of power.
  • Loyalty and Betrayal: Characters grapple with alliances as trust erodes under supernatural pressures.
  • Supernatural Intrigue: Elements like devil contracts, magical artifacts, and mythical creatures drive the plot's complexity.
  • Resistance and Rebellion: The group's efforts to overthrow the devilish rulers highlight themes of resistance against tyranny.
    CAMP Session 60   Theo Atzetari ’s Activities: Theo is eavesdropping outside the constable's office, hearing discussions about recruitment and potential actions by Asavar and Hurts . Ulrich Atzetari advises Theo to keep his head down but hints that Percival Bloom plans to start mass executions of civilians. Theo learns that Glitz the Rapscallion and Hurts have agreed to a conversation. Midas Narkissos is on a ship called "The Fang," and Theo is advised to contact him using a sending stone left at his old desk. Midas is heartbroken after being dumped by Rubella again.
Folantis Pluma ’s Encounter: Folantis wanders around and meets Jim (a wizard teacher) and a Phoenix. The Phoenix turns pale upon hearing Folantis's name, linking him to Jericho, Folantis’s father. The Phoenix, named Fawks Pluma , is revealed to be Folantis’s grandfather and quickly decides to leave town after learning Folantis’s identity.
Next Day: The school is on lockdown with strict restrictions on movement. Folantis attempts to see Cassandra Angelos but is stopped by a legionnaire. Oscar Godswood tries to sell Theo’s stuff, leading to a confrontation where Theo decides to make him "eat dirt."
Cila Colkyre ’s Interactions: Cila is seen talking with someone about a sponsor, mentioning Perry Woolworth Another girl is running for Freshman Tribune. Cila later interacts with Theo, taking a journal from him using Mage Hand to subtly show that she’s a warlock. She gives Theo a book by Alvis Sifuentes titled "Melting My Ice Cold Heart" and hints that she regrets some choices she’s made.
Heagwin Helstain ’s Rivalry: Haegwin has a tense encounter with a rival named Tybolt Winchester , who harbors resentment against plants because a tree killed his mother. Tabitha Whitewing (from Episode 1) intervenes to calm Tibolt down.
Party Time: Tibolt, Syrax , Irma, Tabetha, and Oscar are drinking at a party, while Pip is seen hanging upside down in a tree, drinking wine. Cila and Theo have a conversation about sides, where Cila declares she’s on her own side. She tries to subtly communicate her warlock status and regret over certain decisions.
Oscar’s Proposal: Oscar offers a deal to steal a focus from the Basil mansion. The group is unsure whether he’s working for Baalzebul , Percy, an outside villain, or perhaps a good cause. Folantis shakes Oscar’s hand, but Theo does not.
Mysterious Stalker: Mr Light is spotted stalking the party, raising questions about his motives and why he’s there.


CAMP Session 61

  Mr Light s Vendetta: Mr. Light is out for revenge, seeking to kill everyone involved in his sister's murder, Nataal Sairoisi from last season, as well as those they love, including Theo Atzetari . He attacks Theo with a fireball, but Theo evades it. Cila Colkyre and Theo chase Mr. Light, who teleports away. The fireball causes chaos at the party, setting the forest on fire and causing everyone to disperse. Guards begin catching those fleeing the scene. Mr. Light warns the guards not to follow him. He realizes Cila is a warlock when her eyes flash and gives her a coin.
Next Morning Assembly: Percival Bloom cancels all activities, including Archerball and Battleball. The group visits Alton Longbranch , who is aware of all their recent activities. He’s working on his own plans and advises them again to keep a low profile. Heagwin Helstain ’s roommate accompanies them to Alton’s office, stoned out of his mind and trying to take his shirt off. In solidarity, Cila takes her shirt off too. After getting the roommate back to bed, Haeg turns into a squirrel and messes with him, leading to antics with Theo. The group hangs out and drinks tea, while Haeg gets information about the plants he was looking for, learning that his roommate’s mom saw them while working as a maid in Basil’s mansion.
Theo Contacts Midas Narkissos : Theo contacts Midas for advice on breaking a warlock contract. Midas suggests three options: kill the devil, convince the devil to break the contract, or use a wish. Oliver Eltoris is revealed to be with Midas, and they are both fighting devils. Midas suggests finding the Seal of the 8th Circle as a way to get reinforcements.
Time Skip - Several Weeks Pass: Hyria Valeriana ’s nubs have grown into vestigial wings and a tail, which are non-functional. Trenchy mentions that cutting them off would be excruciatingly painful and they might not grow back.
Investigation Checks: Theo investigates the Seal of the 8th Circle and learns that it was last seen with the Crown of Osmodius. Those who teleport to the 8th Circle must be together to teleport out. Haeg investigates Gaius Basil and learns that he is grooming Octavia Basil to be his successor. Folantis Pluma checks on Pluma and discovers that Pluma mentored many people, including several of their teachers and even Basil. He’s had many children around the world and saved the world multiple times. Cila meets with Alvis Sifuentes in the admin building. She asks about Bhumi Kaowtor , who has been attacked 12 times, which is unusual. She and Sufuentes discuss their plan to escape their contracts with Baalzebul . Sufuentes wants to kill Beezles, but Alton cannot go after the Archdevil, implying they must target Percival instead.
Critical Developments: Cila is tasked by Sufuentes to find the missing Botany teacher, who has a crucial ingredient he needs. The room they are in is a Divine blindspot, where neither god nor devil can hear. Sufuentes gives Cila his latest book, Lover, Mother, Killer. As Cila leaves the room, an explosion rocks the building, leading to the question: Did Sufuentes just explode? End scene.


    CAMP Session 62
  Trenchie's Quick Episode: Trenchie, the writer, is unwell and wrote this episode in 10 minutes, leading to an improv class that doesn’t seem to have much significance for the overall plot.
Cila Colkyre 's Inquiry: After class, Cila asks Cassandra Angelos about the missing Botany teacher. Cassandra mentions Thomas Bareak , a member of the CAMP Board of Governors , who hit on her but doesn’t think he had anything to do with the teacher’s disappearance. She did see Alvis Sifuentes on the morning the teacher went missing. Cassandra also mentions new elections for the Board of Governors.
Lunch and Library: The group goes to the library after lunch, where they find Olivia Smoke has returned. They inform her about losing the safe house. Cila hugs Olivia but takes radiant damage, revealing that Olivia knows Cila is pacted with Baalzebul Cila also learns that Thomas Barique is close with Percival Bloom
Random Note: Fawks Pluma supposedly got Pip drugs at the party, which raises questions since Pip can easily get drugs from the Feywilde . This suggests that someone might be interfering with things there.

  CAMP Session 63
  Alton Longbranch 's Visit: Alton and another person visit Cila Colkyre to discuss the concerning absence of Olivia Smoke , who hasn’t been seen for a while. They are trying to bring Olivia in for counseling, indicating something may be wrong.
New Class: The group attends a new class, but they are only given a room number and find themselves locked inside. The entire lesson revolves around the idea that you can’t trust anyone. They chase a shape to the library and discover someone pretending to be Olivia, who wants a stone that could be used as leverage to remove Percy from his position as principal.
Gaius Basil ’s Place: The group plans to attend a Gala as a cover for casing Basil’s place, indicating they are plotting something related to him.
Candidates and Senate: The group learns about the candidates, including Hileria Starbrook , Sabroth, Fawks Pluma , and Alvis Sifuentes
A young Shadar-kai woman named Ono is introduced, who is working for Sufuentes. Sufuentes is running for Senate and has written a pamphlet admitting his wrongs and detailing what he can offer. The episode introduces new developments regarding Olivia’s disappearance, trust issues, and political maneuvering, setting the stage for future conflicts.


  CAMP Session 64 |
  Heist Entry Points:
1. Garden Entrance: Heagwin Helstain scopes it out. He sees a hallway and a chemistry setup inside, with young human women watering flowers using wands. The area is not heavily guarded, making it the best option for sneaking in.
2. Train Tracks: Folantis Pluma checks this out. There’s a sloped ramp leading to a garage. Folantis gets caught and has to fly off. The best approach here would be to hop onto a train coming through, but it’s not very promising.
3. Front Entrance (Formal): Cila Colkyre attempts to scout the front entrance. She ends up spending the whole time talking politics and forgets to check the area properly. It’s funny but not useful for the heist.
4. Side Entrance (Casual): Murium checks this one out. The double doors open into the house, likely a staff entrance. He suggests going in disguised as staff but notes that you need a staff ID to get in. Murium actually manages to get in and grabs a butler and maid costume.
5. Secret Passageway: Theo explores a possible secret passageway. The pathway is dilapidated with an 8-foot wall by a mountain. Odd moss grows near the train tracks. The entrance is sealed by unnatural stone, but Theo thinks it might be the best stealth option.
Heist Planning and Execution: The group decides to go with the secret entrance and successfully opens it. A train rolls in, and Haegwin checks it out, noticing it’s unloading plenty of gold and produce. They explore the tunnel and find out it’s a church dedicated to Baalzebul
Rally and Attack: After the exploration, the group returns to a rally, and as it ends, Hileria Starbrook is shot. The episode outlines various entry points for the heist, with the group ultimately choosing the secret passageway. However, they discover an unexpected connection to Beelzebul, and the situation takes a dark turn when Hilaria is attacked.

  CAMP Session 65
  Battle and Aftermath: A battle breaks out, with the attackers wearing infernal markings. The group manages to defeat them, with none of the attackers escaping and two taken into custody. Hileria Starbrook is injured but stable. Cila Colkyre accompanies her to the hospital.
Individual Actions: Theo Atzetari talks with Ulrich and informs him about the murder of the DA and the discovery of a church under Gaius Basil 's mansion. Pomegranate has been killed, adding to the rising tension. Korzin Sabroth returns to his mom’s campaign event only to find that she has also been shot. Murium goes to find drugs and heads to the Boys and Girls Club.
Group Gathering: The group eventually gathers at Heagwin Helstain 's room, where they engage in their usual antics, likely as a way to decompress after the intense events. This episode is marked by violence and tension, with key characters being targeted and injured, leading to a sense of increasing danger.


  CAMP Session 66
  Learning Elvish and Nature's Vibes: The group spends time listening to the sounds of nature as part of learning Elvish. The vibes they pick up convey discontent, unrest, anger, and fear, likely tied to the current events in Bliznia .
Cookie Antics: Folantis Pluma makes cookies, but they turn out to be overly salty, leading to some humorous antics.
Spreading Pamphlets: Folantis finds the pamphlet that Alton was reading and spreads copies across campus.
Teacher Encounters: The group encounters a rogue teacher, Voorx Yars , who plans to meet them in Heagwin Helstain 's room. Before the teacher arrives, Thomas Bareak stops by and asks Haeg about getting plants for Alvis Sifuentes . Haeg admits to providing what he has on hand, but the group starts suspecting that Thomas might be the one who kidnapped the Botany teacher.
Planning the Robbery of Basil's Mansion: The group discusses when to rob Basil's mansion, considering either doing it in two hours or sometime over the weekend. They realize they need to figure out how to break into the vault before rushing in, and consider seeking help from Desmond at theThe Snake Pit . They use a memory device from CAMP Year One on Belwas Garcia and get a layout of the mansion, including the Trophy Room where a crazy mechanical arcane lock likely secures the safe.
They map out the first and second floors and determine what’s needed to break in:
  • Radiant damage: Haeg
  • Necrotic damage: Folantis
  • Wild magic surge: Folantis
  • Mortal blood sacrifice: Anyone
  • Devil blood sacrifice: Haeg with a ritual
  • Three keys: Held by Basil, Percy, and Octavia (they plan to steal one and use knock/silence spells for the other two locks).
  Eavesdropping Issue: Thomas Bareak is revealed to have listened in on the entire conversation, which complicates their plans. This episode revolves around planning a heist, with the group gathering critical information and resources but facing a new challenge when they realize someone has been eavesdropping on their discussion.


  CAMP Session 67
  Thomas Bareak 's Proposal: Thomas Barique approaches the group, demanding a cut of 50k gold in exchange for not interfering with their plans. He hints that gold is about to become much more valuable and advises them to "look at the news." The group agrees to his terms, though they may still consider not following through.
Library Research: Heagwin Helstain and Folantis Pluma go to the library and find a ritual that can turn Haeg's blood into Devil's Blood for two hours, which is part of their plan to break into Gaius Basil 's vault.
Theo Atzetari and Cila Colkyre ’s Investigation: Theo and Cila continue their investigation and discover that someone hasn’t been in a certain location for some time. They also find plans for rebuilding the Bliznia Senate Building , which were dated before the attack, suggesting that the person was planning an attack themselves. The investigation leads them to a tea shop, where they unexpectedly run into Octavia Basil . She gives them the first key they need for the heist, raising questions about how she knows about their plans and why she’s helping them.
Other Developments: Stellio Copperfield is announced as the new Constable of Bliznia , and it's revealed that Barique was present in the room when the DA was murdered, adding to the group's suspicions about him. This episode focuses on gathering resources for the heist, uncovering more about potential allies and enemies, and securing the first key with some unexpected assistance from Octavia.


CAMP Session 68   Ship Tactics: The group engages in ship tactics, but Hyria Valeriana is frustrated to find out they have a permanent stealth disadvantage.
Heist Planning: The timeline for the heist is finalized: it will take place during the political banquet. The group has secured Gaius Basil ’s key with the help of Deidolo , though he's seen as a greedy bastard for using your divine interventions to do so. The next step is to obtain Percival Bloom ’s key in the morning.
Personal Goal: The protagonist is focused on figuring out how to get their stuff back from Eromena {New God} , including their precious +14 modifier. The episode is centered on finalizing the heist plans, securing necessary keys, and dealing with personal challenges and goals.


  CAMP Session 69
  Planning to Get Percival Bloom ’s Key: The group works on a plan to steal Percival’s key. Theo Atzetari summons Eromena {New God} , who reveals she’s pregnant with Ulrich Atzetari baby. The protagonist successfully retrieves their stuff from Eromena.
Basil’s Chief of Staff: The group discusses Titus Maximillian , Consul of Bliznia Gaius Basil 's half wood elf Chief of Staff who largely runs Basil’s office.
The Dock Heist: The group heads to the docks and visits Lagoona Blu, a place known for fish and pickled eggplant. Folantis Pluma , Theo Atzetari , and Hyria Valeriana disguise themselves as waiters. Hyria trips a waitress, causing her to spill coffee on Percival Bloom , and uses the distraction to steal the key. The place is then shut down, and the waitress is taken away by legionnaires. They retreat to a café across the street where Zoe Onasis is the barista. Zoe shares that she found a therapist who was later killed.
Observations: The group notices a lack of Reptilians and East Side Cobras wandering around and sees pairs of legionnaires and some of Constable @Ulri’s men patrolling the area. They encounter a Dragonborn who seems out of place and note that Hawa and The Highwaymen banner might indicate a cheater or traitor.

Heist Plan: Folantis, Haegwin, and the protagonist will enter through the garden entrance. Theo, Murium , and Cila Colkyre will disguise themselves as staff to gain entry. The plan is to get in, get what they need, and then quickly escape.
Haegwin’s Ritual: Haegwin performs a ritual, resulting in something moving in his mouth—his tongue transforms into a centipede. This grants him the ability to speak any language. He hears the voice of his goddess, who playfully suggests she might be the "goddess of mistakes."
The episode is focused on executing the next phase of the heist, with successful key theft, careful planning, and a strange new ability for Haegwin, all while dealing with the strange undercurrents of their environment.


  CAMP Session 70
  Heist of a Lifetime #2:
Pre-Heist Tension: The group notices a tense atmosphere with Cassandra Angelos and others, sensing something ominous in the air as they head to Gaius Basil 's mansion.
Infiltration: The team encounters two separate groups entering the mansion, both appearing to be robed and trying to remain unnoticed. The group learns that Xindrus Helstain and Stellio Copperfield are among the intruders. They seem concerned but do not betray the group, indicating they might be allies.
Distraction and Sneak Team: Murium and Cila Colkyre are instructed to tidy up the downstairs study by an old lady. Korzin Sabroth hears a conversation where Stelio and Zendris express discomfort in the house and mention a mutual friend in green, hinting they are not on Percy's side. Meanwhile, the Sneak Team (including Haegwin and Folantis) reaches the vault. They solve a riddle involving bones and perform blood sacrifices to unlock the door.
Vault Discoveries: Inside the vault, the team finds Percy's arcane focus and the Seal of the 8th Circle. They also discover a cool staff, an animated shield, and a Cape of Mountebank that smells like brimstone. They hear Percy's voice, threatening further action against an unseen enemy.
Escape and Chaos: The mansion’s maids discover Korzin, leading to a confrontation where Cila uses control magic to handle the situation. Stelio and Haelstain help the group escape through a train from the mountain.
The team splits up: Folantis, Hyria, and Theo head into town, while Haegwin, Cila, Murium, and Korzin return to camp.
Post-Heist Events:
Theo’s Search for Ulrich Atzetari : Theo investigates the chaos in town, noticing that the Cobras are outnumbering the Reptilians The Constable’s office is engulfed in flames, and Ulrich is missing. Theo learns from a sheriff that Ulrich was kidnapped by a group of men dressed in black. Theo pursues these men, eventually spotting Thomas Bareak leading a group of legionnaires and realizing that Barique was involved in the kidnapping.
Return to Camp: The group that returned to College for Adventurers at Minos Point discovers no legionnaires there. Korzin heads to bed, while Cila and Haegwin go to Haegwin's dorm where they find Bellwas lying naked on the floor. Cila insists that Haegwin creates something requested by Sufuentes and discusses their situation openly over a sending stone.
Rhubarb s Condition: Hyria and Folantis head to the Boys’ and Girls’ Club, where they learn Rhubarb is in critical condition after being hit hard in the battle. They decide to head to the Snake Pit to find a cleric to help him. The situation at The Snake Pit is chaotic with ongoing fighting, and they must battle through to find a cleric to save Rhubarb. This episode is packed with action and tension, focusing on the heist, the chaotic aftermath in town, and the group's efforts to deal with the consequences, including saving their allies. The group faces internal and external threats as they navigate their complex situation.


    CAMP Session 71
  Continuation of the Heist Aftermath:
Theo Atzetari Confronts Thomas Bareak Theo confronts Thomas Barique, realizing that some Reptilians are siding with Barique. Barique demands all of the group’s loot, but Theo refuses. Theo notices Barique’s eyes flash red before misty stepping away.
Healing and Assistance: Folantis Pluma and Hyria Valeriana assist the wounded East Side Cobras at the The Snake Pit by giving Toots sundrop, allowing her to heal everyone quickly. Folantis flies Rhubarb back to camp while Hyria sneaks back.
Poison Creation: Heagwin Helstain and Cila successfully create poison using the Starbloom. They produce enough for one full dose.
Next Day Events: Fawks Pluma ' Announcement: Fawks visits Folantis and announces that he is ending his campaign and taking a position at the school, replacing Cassandra Angelos in handling magical items.
Alvis Sifuentes ' Visit: Sufientes visits Haegwyn and Cila Colkyre , asking about the missing Botany teacher and requesting the poison they made. He mentions that he knows about the kidnapping of Theo’s father and advises them to stay out of the city. Sufientes hints that he is “next” and warns Cila to stay out of his way.
Mysterious Visitors: Theo receives a visit from a smug half-elf woman with a green arrowhead pin, possibly named Mia Eltoris . She delivers a message that their heist was successful and hints that it’s time to help. Hyria wakes up to find a changeling in black armor at the end of her bed, who warns her about the upcoming dangers beyond Beelzebul.
Gathering the Team: Theo gathers the group to discuss their next steps, intending to use the seal from the heist to go to hell and kill Baalzebul . The group divides up magical items, with Hyria receiving a Ring of Feather Falling and boots of leaping. Theo warns the group that he knows some of them are pacted to Beelzebul and threatens to kill them if they lie.
Recruitment for the Mission: The group splits up to recruit allies for the mission: Mia Eltoris joins the group after a brief interaction with Fortuna Woolworth . Hyria gathers various people, including Oscar Godswood (who owes her), Tybolt Winchester (convinced to join), and Sebastian Irons (reluctantly). Cila visits Rossi, who is dealing with the mischievous monkey Cornelius Reginald Vanderbilt Folantis Pluma tries to recruit Fawks and Cassandra Angelos , with Fawks Pluma being difficult.
Arrival in Hell: The group, now consisting of Mia Eltoris, Irma Sarlynn , Tyebolt, Oscar, Cornelius, Rhubarb , and others, teleports to Kanya, the 8th Circle of Hell, where they are immediately surrounded by extreme cold and snow.
End Notes: The episode ends with the group in Kanya, preparing to face the challenges that await them in the 8th Circle of Hell. The note "Fawks Fucks" from Murium and Trenchie adds a humorous touch to the intense situation. This episode is packed with confrontations, preparations, and recruitment as the group gears up for their journey to Hell to confront Baalzebul

  CAMP Session 72
  Arrival in the 8th Circle of Hell: The group arrives in Kanya, the 8th Circle of Hell, with an ever-present knocking sound in the background. Theo Atzetari and Hyria Valeriana split up, each leading different groups.
Theo's Group: Theo, Mia Eltoris , Heagwin Helstain , Korzin Sabroth , Irma Sarlynn , and others explore a cave that grows larger as they proceed. Inside, they find a human in insect-like armor, Ralph Wentz , who is cooking a giant worm. Ralph explains he’s trying to survive in Hell and refuses to join their mission, though he provides them with cloaks and shares information about The Emerald Hood and Midas Narkissos heading towards the glaciers.
Hyria's Group: Hyria, Murium , Folantis Pluma , Tybolt Winchester , Oscar Godswood , and Rhubarb wander aimlessly before deciding to rejoin Theo's group.
Journey to the Glacier: The group heads towards the glacier, noticing a symbol of "He Who Comes Next" melted into it. As they climb, they experience strange visions: Korzin sees a different version of Oliver Eltoris. Murium sees Aphro . Hyria sees Grandma Lola. Haegwyn sees Plant Iris . Folantis sees a younger version of himself. These mirages quickly turn into disturbing versions of people they know or fear.
Confronting the Mirage: The group encounters different illusions that seem to exploit their deepest fears and hatreds: Theo sees Percival Bloom . Korzin sees his father. Folantis sees Fawks half-dressed. Hyria sees Oscar. They discover a frozen note with an arrow, warning them that "He Who Comes Next" is closer than expected. Cila reveals that Alvis Sifuentes is the one aiming to become the next archdevil by using poison on Beelzebul.
Approaching the Black Castle: The group arrives at a massive black structure made of brimstone, with a locket belonging to Midas found at the entrance. They enter the castle after Hyria uses her blood to open the door, revealing a hallway lined with statues of demons and devils.
Confrontation in the Throne Room: Inside, they hear buzzing flies and find Baalzebul on a throne with Sufientes standing next to him, holding the poison. Midas and Oliver are ready to attack. Sufientes pours the poison down Beelzebul’s throat, declaring that the group is "just a little too late." Oliver insists that they must act immediately, stating, "We don’t have another chance. We’re doing this now." The episode ends on a tense note, with the group arriving too late to stop Sufientes from poisoning Beelzebul, setting the stage for an imminent confrontation.


  CAMP Session 73   Current Situation: The group is preparing for an insurgent operation, although they seem confused about how they got into this situation. Belwas Garcia ’s mom, Bellona Garcia , is behind enemy lines. They have 30% of the Cobras (Ulrich Atzetari loyalists) and the Rapscallions on their side, while 70% of the East Side Cobras are with Hurts and remain undecided. Dorothy Woolworth is missing, and there’s a note from Thomas Bareak suggesting she was the start of the insurgency and will die if it doesn’t end.
Recap of Recent Events: The group is dealing with the aftermath of Cila Colkyre becoming the Archdevil after the Dracolich picked up Baalzebul . Iris guilted the group, leading to their disappearance. The Petting Zoo was attacked, with evidence pointing to local leader Carmello Bruno from Seirá . Many animals were killed, including fluffy cows that were turned into steaks.
Mission: The Snake Pit The group plans to take out Hurtz by infiltrating the Snake Pit through Mama Murph’s basement, which has a tunnel leading there. Mama Murph died five years ago, and her house is boarded up.
Basement Encounter: Inside Mama Murph’s house, the group hears bubbling in the basement and discovers a room filled with alchemy and chemistry sets. They encounter humanoids in plague doctor suits and engage in a fight. One of the doctors has a sword with Eromena {New God} ’s and Claude s symbols on it.
Potion Discovery: The group finds potions: Hyria gets a Potion of Extra Attack. Korzin Sabroth gets a Potion of Speed. Murium gets a random green potion. Korzin experiments with the potions, which react with blood to create a living sphere that attacks the group. The sphere forces itself down Murium’s throat, but he remains okay.
Exploring the Tunnels: Behind a storage door in the basement filled with casino stuff, the group finds a door with an inscription. They solve the riddle and continue through the tunnels, noticing they are being followed by someone in all black with very pale skin. Cila is revealed to be following the group as they proceed through the tunnels. The episode focuses on the group’s preparation for the insurgency, their infiltration of the Snake Pit, and the strange encounters they face in the tunnels beneath Mama Murph’s house. The group is dealing with the consequences of previous events while navigating new threats.


CAMP Session 74
  Exploration and Encounter: The group hears a song at the end of the hall, and after a Religion check, they recognize it as the Durge of the Embrace. This song is associated with followers of Besar, particularly those who were spread across the astral realm. The song was historically played as these followers committed suicide to avoid being separated. Theo kicks down the door, revealing a room filled with Cobras: Cobras they recognize: Crab Apple, Mavrick, Nomad. Cobras they don’t recognize: Wolfman, Apricot, Jennetty, Boysin. They also encounter Hurt. Battle with Hurt: A battle ensues. During the fight, the group discovers that Hurt didn’t attack the Petting Zoo—he’s actually a vegan. This revelation makes Hyria question if her rage is misplaced. Deidolo speaks, implying that the actions taken are part of their routine: "It’s just what we do…." Hurt is revived after the battle but remains defiant, saying, "Fucking pussies. You think I’ll tell you now?" indicating he won’t cooperate with the group. The episode is filled with tension as the group encounters familiar and unfamiliar Cobras, leading to a battle with Hurt and the realization that they may have been misdirected in their anger. Hurt’s defiance leaves the group with more questions than answers.

    CAMP Session 75 "
  Missed Introduction and Interrogation: The group is interrogating Hurts after letting the henchmen go. Hurtz reveals he has accepted "the embrace" and shows a mark on his hand of "She who comes next." Besar and Iris are teaming up. Hurtz explains that Iris's actions were a response to Theo positioning enemies at the back of their territory. Nomad , a girl who ran out of the room, was trying to start a chapter in Seirá . The group questions her loyalties and whether she betrayed the East Side Cobras or Hurtz for personal reasons.
At the The Snake Pit Cantaloupe stands up and pledges loyalty to Theo Atzetari , the Cobra Prince. Toots is missing after claiming she had someone to meet up with, possibly related to a pharmaceutical adventure. The Cobras declare Theo as the new Cobra King. Apricot is sent to relay information to Ulrich Atzetari The group heads to the Boys' and Girls' Club, where they find scared and untrained kids left behind. Inside the club, they discover dead Legionnaires but no dead Cobras.
Return to the Grounds: The group returns to the Grounds (Theatre of Pompeii) where they find fewer people but encounter Hileria Starbrook , Korzin Sabroth ’s mom, Rita Starbrook , and Xavier Eltoris . They learn that Percival Bloom was taken down, and Glitz the Rapscallion and Ulrich went after Thomas Bareak . They go to Doctor Octer to get healed; the gnome doctor enjoys magic tricks.
Haeg and Cila at College for Adventurers at Minos Point Haeg and Cila return to CAMP, finding a wall of archers at the portal as a line of defense. They go to Alvis Sifuentes office for a debriefing with Stellio Copperfield and Alton Longbranch The group learns that Kienna killed Midas Narkissos and that Stelio was aware of their plans. Stelio reveals that they were being played and that their predictability stems from overthinking. Stelio plans to bring order to the city and mentions paying off an old debt to a friend.
War Zone and Crucifixion: The group heads out to find Ulrich in a chaotic war zone with very little ongoing fighting. They find a dozen Legionnaires surrounding three crosses. Ulrich is being nailed to a cross, and Bareak is suffering as well, with wounds appearing on him as Ulrich is nailed up. Dorothy Woolworth and Saxi Rarodell (the botany teacher) are present. A dozen fallen men are nearby, including Sheriffs, Cobras, and Dragonborns. Glitz has been stabbed.
Cosmos appears, stating, "There is little balance in war. Generals are rarely punished equally." Cosmos asks the group, "Do they live or do they die?" The episode involves intense confrontations, revelations about loyalty and betrayal, and culminates in a life-or-death decision as the group finds Ulrich being crucified. Cosmos's appearance adds a significant moral dilemma, questioning the fate of those involved in the conflict.


  CAMP Session 76
  Key Decisions and Consequences: Cosmos gives Theo Atzetari a choice regarding the fate of Ulrich Atzetari and Thomas Bareak . Theo decides that they both should die. Chaos ensues as the Legionnaires fall into disarray. Oliver Eltoris , Korzen’s mom, and the constables arrive, and Theo cuts out Bareak’s tongue. Headmaster of CAMP Nataal Sairoisi is acting strange, seemingly conversing with someone while talking to Alton Longbranch , Heagwin Helstain , and Cila Colkyre . She appears to know what has happened, including the deaths of Bareak and Dorothy Woolworth . Sarosi plans to return to College for Adventurers at Minos Point and speak with the CAMP Board of Governors
Character Interactions and Developments: Haeg and Cila reconcile. Korzin Sabroth tells his mom about the events, and she expresses concern over Cosmos's intervention, saying, "This isn’t over." She reassures Korzen that it wasn’t his fault and mentions an upcoming ceremony. Cila learns about Theo’s dad, and they make up. The pyre is lit, burning in memory of those who have fallen.
Time Skip: Seven Months Later: Folantis has spent the time improving his cookie-making skills and has grown closer to Fawkes while simultaneously irritating him. The Petting Zoo faced fundraising challenges, but a shipment of silver from Oliver Eltoris helped rebuild. Three new fluffy cows, Billy Bob, Bobby Bill, and Jimmyjoe, have joined the zoo. Korzen has lost contact with his parents and Cosmos. He receives a message through Octavia Basil that his parents are okay but is left searching for answers about balance. Murium received a bone axe from Aphro. Octavia is out on bail, charged with treason, and is cooperating with authorities. Her marriage has been annulled. Haegwin is working to repopulate the forest around CAMP, which has become devoid of life, by convincing animals from other forests to help. Hyria searches for Zephyr with Folantis and Nakobe but has no luck. She takes on a few jobs from her brother to earn some coin. Cila is investigating a way back into Hell and receives the Seal of the 8th Circle from Theo, which could help her get out of Hell but not in. She investigates Sarosi, noticing that she sometimes pauses to listen to an invisible entity and speaks very definitively as if she knows what will happen. Theo reforms the Cobras into a paramilitary force for good, runs the Malt Shop with Zoe Onasis , gets more in touch with nature, and makes amends with Octavia.
The Interrogation of Toots : Mia Eltoris finds Theo and informs him that Toots, the last traitor, has been apprehended. Theo gathers the team and heads downtown. They catch up with Kilsaw the officer, Stellio the new constable, and Zindris (Haeg’s uncle and the new DA). 314 people have been charged with treason. The group is allowed to watch the interrogation of Toots. During the interrogation, it is revealed that Toots met up with Nomad after she fled the scene. Nomad sought out Bareak. Toots expresses regret and reveals she had a sexual relationship with Bareak and worked with him for a year before the battle. She admits to killing Razer and some other East Side Cobras and appears remorseful. The trials for the traitors are set to begin over the summer. This episode is a mix of final resolutions, time jumps, and setup for the trials and events that will unfold during the summer, focusing on the aftermath of the battles and betrayals.


CAMP Session 77
Character Interactions and Developments: Heagwin Helstain talks with his very intoxicated roommate, Belwas Garcia , before class. Folantis Pluma receives a letter from Fawks Pluma , inviting him to join in on killing pirates over the summer. The fish's communication is now reduced to just "Fey magic." Murium gets a letter from home, signaling his return to his village for the summer. Cila Colkyre 's door is being tampered with by Nataal Sairoisi who delivers cryptic messages like "She will understand" and "You will resolve everything." Theo has a dream of his father in an Egyptian-style tomb.
Class Session: Alton Longbranch discusses the recent addition of the landmass Atlas to their world, Minos , touching on various effects like weather patterns, ecology, geopolitics, and the economy. The value of gold continues to drop, turning to lead, while the theft of Moonstones from Altas might balance things out. Alton bluntly criticizes the group's intelligence and emotional maturity but thanks them for saving the world. Nataal Sairoisi interrupts, delivering more cryptic statements, including instructions to speak to Stellio Copperfield , read the walls, and mentioning an impending battle where "an army 100 strong will kill the warlock." He ominously concludes that they will graduate, hinting at upcoming bloodshed and doubt. Alton seems to know what’s coming and is smug about it.
Preparation for Downtown Trip: Haegwin and the group grab coffee while Theo checks on his bird, Nakobe, who is sad. Theo Atzetari inquires about the ongoing search for Zephyr At the jailhouse downtown, Stellio isn’t present, and the guard asks if they are followers of Iris due to strange Fey readings that morning.
Encounter with Percival Bloom : At the docks, the group meets Stellio Copperfield , who is surprised to see them. They relay Sarosi’s words to him, leading Stellio to point out Percy, who is imprisoned in a cell. Percy is scrawling on the walls, repeating the symbol of "They who comes next" and phrases like "Basil was wrong" and "Octavia Basil was wrong." Folantis questions whether Percy made a new contract, causing his insanity. Folantis and Cila talk to Percy, who reveals he has given away his Wish Sword, likely for power. As the conversation ends, Percy smirks and attempts to teleport away, but Folantis counters it with a clutch Nat 20 on a Counterspell. Percy retaliates by using Shatter on Cila and Folantis, shattering the window and jumping out toward Muruim.
In a shocking turn of events, Percy tears off Muruim’s arm. The session ends on a dramatic note, with the team facing a significant battle against a powerful and desperate Percy.

  CAMP Session 78
  Final Session Summary: Battle Aftermath: As the intense fight concludes, Stellio Copperfield , Murium , and Folantis Pluma are severely injured, bleeding out from their wounds. Besar suddenly appears as the building starts to crumble around them. Heagwin Helstain manages to drag Folantis out of the collapsing structure, while Cila Colkyre pulls Muruim to safety. Besar prevents the group from rescuing Stellio, leaving him behind. Before departing, Besar ominously laughs and says, "I’ll see you all soon," indicating future confrontations.
Furrets' Charge: As the group escapes, the lost furrets storm through the collapsing building, swarming and ultimately devouring Percival Bloom , bringing a brutal end to his reign. The finale closes with a mix of survival, loss, and an impending sense of further conflict, as the group narrowly escapes a devastating encounter.     @      


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