Battle of Rayhaven

Content Warning:
Violence Gore Drug / Alcohol Use Animal Abuse Self-harm Profanity
As seen in


Part 1

  • Vexx and Thronfire hover in the sky before Rayhaven, ready to give the command to attack
  • Dragon Defenders are also hovering in the air face to face with Vexx
  • Dragon Defender leader (Azier?) is telling the others their position and their attack plan. They say they will take on Vexx
  • Zella and Sabretail fly into frame, saying that she'll take on Vexx
  • Sabretail then dives down to the forest below for cover
  • They fly through the forest towards Vexx
  • Vexx sees the dive down, and waits, looking to see where Sabretail and Zella went. He waits for a bit, looking around, and doesn't see them anywhere. He assumed they went into the forest for cover, but was going back to <settlement name> to get backup.
  • While Vexx was looking for Zella and Sabretail in the forest, they come out very low to the ground into an open field. Vexx doesn't notice this as it is so far down, and to the right of his flank.
  • Sabretail bank hard to the right and head towards Vexx, still low to the ground
  • While practically underneath Vexx and Ignistra, they pull up hard and fly vertically straight up to Vexx
  • Just before running into Vexx and Ignistra, Sabretail pulled a zero-point stalling turn to the right in the air
  • As Sabretail rotates his body, he whips is tail at the apex of the stalling turn, and spreads out his tail fins
  • Sabretail's tail fin slices Ignistra's throat, and he immediately starts falling, Sabretail's left tail fin is covered in blood
  • A Dragon Defender exclaims
  • Sabretail and Zella dives down to get out of the way, and then flies off
  • Vexx saw this at the last moment, but could not react fast enough to do anything. As soon as Ignistra starts to fall, he jumps off and deploys his wing suit (or parachute?)
  • Ignistra falls like a rock and smashes into the ground with a loud thud. There is blood coming from his neck as he lies there lifeless
  • Vexx lands near his dragon and runs over to see his lifeless dragon
  • He kneels and tender puts his hand on Ignistra (certified sad moment for him), after a minute he get super pissed

    Part 2

    (maybe / maybe not)
  • Vexx gets pissed, and pulls out a crystal, crushes it, and ingests the powder (Or maybe pulls out a syringe and injects it?)
  • This starts to transform Vexx into a dragon
  • However, it fails and only partially transforms him, leaving him disfigured and messed up
  • This is a huge blow and failure to Vexx, he is distraught
  • Knowing how messed up it left him, Vexx knows he isn't able to fight
  • Vexx runs away back to his lab or something
  • His army sees this and backs off
  • After this whole thing is over with, Dragon Defenders meet back up at the <town hall building thing>
  • Dragon Defender talk about what they just witnessed
  • Leader says now they really have to find Vexx and kill him. Because whatever the hell that was is now a major problem, and they need - to find whatever Vexx invented or discovered and get rid it before he or someone else comes back with it
  • Defenders agree and spend a long time looking for Vexx and his lab

  • < Story continues with other stuff; some time later >

  • After some time, later in the story, someone finds Vexx's lab
  • Defenders group investigates and find that Vexx has killed himself
  • They see what he was working on and destroy it (or something idk yet)


    have to write one still

    Author's Note

    After the whole ordeal, Sabretail's left tail fin is covered in blood. It is painted red after this as a remembrance of the accomplishment. The red left tail fin is a reference to Toothless from HTTYD. All of this was while I was trying to fall asleep one night, and thought it would be cool to have the amputee dragon use his sharp tail fins as a deadly weapon.
    — 03/26/2024
    I'm not entirely sure about the second part, it kind of went off the rails to some realm I didn't really want to go to. All of this was while I was trying to fall asleep one night.   The whole crystal / transformation thing Vexx does was just the first thing that came to mind for him to have something to go horribly wrong to him, to the point that he kills himself in the end. I don't know if it's specifically because of the transformation mishap, or if this is the start of his downfall. During this time, he still has a lot of power through his corruption using his money, so he probably ends himself much later in the story as a "he has nothing left at that point", rather than right after the transformation mishap.
    — 03/26/2024


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