
Scalegrass is a unique species of grass known for its soft and plush texture, making it a favorite among dragonkin. It thrives in various climate conditions, particularly those that are temperate. The grass not only provides a comfortable resting place for dragonkin, but also emits a subtle attractant that entices them, making it a popular choice for dragonkin habitats. In addition to its physical appeal, scalegrass has been observed to have stress-reducing properties when interacted with by dragonkin. Common behaviors exhibited by dragonkin in the presence of scalegrass include rolling in it, pawing at it, and even chewing on it. It does not have any effect on other animals.   Scalegrass contains the same chemical found in Drake's Nectar, but in significantly lower concentrations. As a result, the effects and behaviors associated with Drake's Nectar are not observed with scalegrass.

Basic Information


tall prairie grass with soft feathery-like florets along most of the plant shaft. Mostly green with purple at the tip of the florets.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Scalegrass is widely distributed across the diverse continents of Azlov. This hardy grass predominantly thrives in expansive temperate regions characterized by minimal tree coverage and abundant precipitation. Its distinct presence enhances the aesthetic appeal of these open landscapes and contributes to the ecological balance of the surrounding areas.
Average Height
5 ft
Geographic Distribution
Alternative names
Dragon Nip


Concept Art - AI Generated


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