
The Dragonstone is a mysterious stone tablet etched with intricate, ancient script that bears a striking resemblance to Draakhn, a language spoken by the Ancient Dragonkin. Despite their unparalleled knowledge, even the Ancient Dragonkin themselves are unable to decipher the text.   Some theories suggest that the tablet is the handiwork of an Ancient Dragonkin from thousands of years ago, while others propose that it was crafted by the secretive Dragonbane Order to advance their cause. The engravings on the ancient stone have led to speculation that they may hold secret hints pointing to the whereabouts of a valuable treasure or a historical artifact.


The mysterious stone tablet has perplexed scholars and adventurers for centuries with its enigmatic purpose. Some speculate that it might hold secrets leading to a long-lost treasure or a significant historical artifact. Others suggest that the inscriptions on the tablet could be an ancient motto or a code of honor, while some believe it may be a foreboding warning of unknown significance. The tablet's true significance remains shrouded in mystery, captivating the curiosity of those who encounter it.

Document Structure


The stone bears two distinct paragraphs inscribed on one side, while the other side remains unmarked.

Publication Status

Despite being previously accessible to the public, the stone has not been sighted for quite some time. There is speculation among a select few that the elusive Dragonbane Order may be in possession of the stone.

Historical Details


The origins and contents of the Dragonstone remain shrouded in mystery. Its authorship and the exact nature of its message have eluded historians. The discovery of the Dragonstone predates the onset of the Wyrm of Chaos' extensive period of oppressive rule, a period that lasted for decades. Some scholars believe that the emergence of the Dragonstone may have played a role in triggering the tyrannical reign of the Wyrm of Chaos, while others think it was a warning about his reign of suffering and the inevitable war to come. Interestingly, the wyrm never made any direct reference to the Dragonstone during his reign of terror.   During the tyrannical rule of the Wyrm of Chaos, numerous individuals observed that the structure of the tablet bore a striking resemblance to the shape of the Amberstone, which was actively utilized by the Wyrm of Chaos and his associates during that period. This observation led some to speculate that the tablet contained instructions pertaining to an unknown capability of the Amberstone and how it could be harnessed. Despite this speculation, nobody succeeded in deciphering the text or in retrieving the Amberstone from the possession of the Wyrm of Chaos and his allies.   During the beginning of the Draconian War, the Ancient Dragonkin formed an alliance with the newly established Dragonguard Alliance. It was during this time that this mysterious artifact was brought to their attention. Despite their formidable knowledge and abilities, the Ancients were unable to decipher the enigmatic markings inscribed on the stone, as it was not in their native language Draakhn. Strangely, the tablet was eventually safeguarded and set aside during the tumultuous war, only to be discovered missing once the conflict had subsided. Despite extensive efforts, the elusive tablet could not be located, sparking widespread concern and speculation about its mysterious disappearance.
Authoring Date


Concept Art - AI Generated



  • This was inspired by the Dragonstone from Skyrim.[1]
  • References

    1. "Dragonstone" — on Elder Scrolls Fandom Wiki; August 24, 2021.


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