
Cloudberry bush thing... as seen in the Delving into the Frostcrest Caverns prose. There is a variant that grows in the north, just beyond the forest of Frostcrest, in the icy plains. This northern variant has a similar texture to ice cream and even vaguely tastes like vanilla. The berry kind of looks like a cloud, hence its name.


  • Nulcheck was randomly looking at fruits one day, and he found out about a fruit called the "Cloudberry".[1]
  • While writing for the Delving into the Frostcrest Caverns prose, Nulcheck wrote in a cloudberry that grows in the far north, and had an almost vanilla ice cream-like taste to it.
  • The northern ice cream tasting cloudberry was inspired by the Blue Java Banana.[2]
  • References

    1. "Rubus Chamaemorus" — on Wikipedia; July 17, 2024.
    2. "Blue Java Banana" — on Wikipedia; May 6, 2024.


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