
In Azlov, Glimmer is an accepted international currency. Glimmer is used as both singular and plural, with the singular form being "Glint." One Glimmer is equivalent to 50 cents in the real world.   The slang term "G's" can be used to refer to the amount of Glimmer something is, but can also mean "grand", which refers to 1000 glimmer.
Item type
Currency & Deeds
Base Price
1 Glint (50¢)
Raw materials & Components
Glimmer is made from something i do not know. Maybe the sand from Glimmertide is used?


  • This was inspired by Glimmer from Destiny 2.[1]
  • References

    1. "Glimmer" — on Destiny Fandom Wiki; May 12, 2024.


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