
The Sandwyrm is a species of Borewyrm and is an expert at burrowing into sand and sandstone. Like all borewyrms, sandwyrms are distinguished by a specialized horn on their heads and a durable layer of scaleplates covering their bodies. However, sandwyrms have a less prominent horn, as they are adapted to burrow through loose sand.   As a result, their scaleplates differ from those of other borewyrms. They are elongated and smoother, which not only helps them maneuver through sand easier but also eliminates the ability to stabilize the burrow while they dig. This specialized adaptation allows sandwyrms to navigate through sandy terrain with precision and efficiency.   Sandwyrms use the sidewinding technique[1] [2] to navigate on top of loose sand. The head is thrown forward, and the body follows. The head is thrown forward again as the body is lifted and moved forward from its previous position. The sandwyrm progresses at an angle, leaving a series of J-shaped tracks. This type of locomotion can be used to traverse loose or slippery substrates without slipping.   Sandwyrms are primarily found in desert and arid locations such as the desert in Drakemyst and Arkynshire, and in the southern region of the arid landscape in Emberland.

Basic Information


Like all borewyrms, they are serpent-like creatures similar to dragons, but without legs or wings. Sandwyrms are characterized by their toughened hard platescales and a specialized horn.   Sandwyrms, unlike their counterparts the earthwyrm, have a less prominent horn, primarily due to their adaptation to the sandy terrain, which doesn't require them to pry apart rocky surfaces. This lack of necessity also results in their platescales not needing to move as much, as they don't have to stabilize their bore holes in sand. Additionally, the platescales of sandwyrms are more elongated and smooth in comparison to those of other borewyrms, reflecting their specialized adaptation to sandy environments.

Ecology and Habitats

The natural habitat of sandwyrms is in subterranean sandy environments, where they are commonly found excavating intricate networks of tunnels and chambers within sandstone. These elusive creatures are known to create their own underground dwelling by burrowing into the ground until they hit sandstone, utilizing their specialized horns and muscular bodies to carve out elaborate passages. In addition to their subterranean burrows, sandwyrms are also found to inhabit caves, where they continue to display their adept digging and carving abilities, shaping the rocky surroundings to suit their needs.

Biological Cycle

Borewyrms, unlike other dragonkin, have a unique feature where the scaleplates on its body only shed once during its lifetime and do not regenerate. This shedding process, known as scaleplate exfoliation, is a critical part of the borewyrm's life cycle.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Borewyrm sandwyrm
69 years
Average Length
26 ft (7.92 m)
Scientific Classification
Class: Reptillia
Order: Draconis
Family: Wyrm
Genus: Borewyrm
Species: B. sandwyrm


  • The sandwyrm was inspired by sidewinder snakes and their unique movement ability.[1] [2]
  • References

    1. "Sidewinding" — on Wikipedia; September 26th, 2023.
    2. "Terrifying: The Venomous Sidewinder Snake Slithers at 18 MPH" — on YouTube; February 19th, 2015.


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