History: Rayhaven joins the Dragonguard

The Dragonguard is a global organization / alliance to protect Azlov. Essentially what I've been calling the "Dragon Defenders" this whole time.
  Many years ago there were many separate groups like this, and when they found each other, one by one the smaller groups were absorbed into the main organization. Finally someone was able to make the trip to Rayhaven after like 20 years or something, and told them about the global alliance. The leader of Rayhaven at the time hesitated at first, as he wasn't sure there was much he could provide to the alliance, since it took someone a long time to finally be able to make the trip to Rayhaven to begin with.   With some persuasion from the ambassador and a young adult citizen, he decided to join the alliance. The ambassador mentioned some of the plans the alliance was doing, such as putting a more central headquarters so all members are able to reach them, and can attend meetings. The citizen mentioned that Rayhaven would be a perfect place to setup a training grounds and school for the alliance. The courtyard was very large, and the cliffsides on either side as well as the Forgotten Forest would do well to protect the town. It did take someone a long time to get here after all. Within the years to come, Rayhaven became one of the best schools and training grounds for the alliance.

Author's Note

Ahh yet another thing dreamed up while trying to fall asleep. Randomly thought of the history of Rayhaven joining the alliance. Been calling the alliance a couple of things, haven't decided what to call them; Dragon Defenders? Defenders of the Wing?
— 03/28/2024
Found the name; Dragonguard
— 04/19/2024


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