Drake's Nectar

Drake's Nectar is a narcotic produced by processing the oil from the leaves of a specific plant. It has a tranquilizing impact on most dragonkin, whether through inhalation of its fumes or by ingestion. In significant quantities, it induces behaviors such as drooling, drowsiness, and even purring. However, some dragonkin may exhibit signs of anxiety, growling, and clawing when exposed to this drug.   Exposure to the narcotic typically does not have an impact on humans. However, when individuals are exposed to concentrated fumes, it can lead to symptoms such as nausea and even loss of consciousness.   The narcotic is distributed by gangs operating in multiple cities, with a significant presence in Rayhaven. One of the most notorious groups is the Black Clutch gang, known for their exclusive use of drakes, which allows them to maintain a low profile and maneuver easily through alleyways and tight urban spaces.   Gangs typically distribute this illicit substance in small 10 fl oz vials, which are designed for easy concealment.  



The drug's impact on most dragonkin can lead to the manifestation of various behaviors, including drooling, drowsiness, and even purring. However, certain individuals among the dragonkin population may display signs of anxiety, growling, and clawing when subjected to this substance. The reason for the differential reactions, with some exhibiting hostility while others do not, remains unknown.   Only a small number of dragonkin remain unaffected by the drug. Even with prolonged and intense exposure, some of them display symptoms akin to those experienced by humans, including nausea and loss of consciousness. The exact reason why certain dragonkin are entirely immune to the substance remains unknown, leading to speculation that it may be hereditary.  


The substance generally has minimal impact on humans. However, exposure to concentrated fumes or a significant dosage can result in symptoms such as nausea and potential loss of consciousness. Researchers have observed that extended usage of the substance can cause hallucinations and other adverse effects, even at low doses, potentially leading to addiction.

Manufacturing process

The oils from a plant can be extracted through a process of slowly heating its leaves and collecting the resulting liquid. This initial extraction yields an unprocessed, low-quality, "dirty" version of the narcotic. To further purify the oil, it can be mixed into water with an emulsifier, then filtered and subjected to distillation to remove most of the impurities. The final, purified version of the oil is colorless and is the type most commonly distributed by criminal organizations.


The narcotic was initially intended to be a therapeutic remedy to soothe the aggressive behavior of dragonkin, but it was discovered to be excessively strong and caused unintended adverse effects. Following its discovery, organized criminal groups began to emerge, seizing the opportunity to distribute the narcotic in an illicit underground market. After law enforcement cracked down on the market, the criminal gangs were compelled to shift their operations to clandestine street-level transactions, often conducted under the cover of darkness of the night or in dim, secluded alleyways.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
Creation Date
10 fl oz
Base Price
64 Glimmer
Alternative names
Tar (Unprocessed)


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