Twenty Year Scourge

As seen in
The Twenty Year Scourge refers to a dark period of oppression lasting two decades, during which the Wyrm of Chaos, known as Anaq, held a tyrannical reign over the land of Azlov. This era is also commonly referred to as the Dark Ages, The Scourge, Age of the Serpent's Shadow, and the Dragonless Decades.   Anaq, known as the Wyrm of Chaos, subjugated the people and caused untold suffering. Throughout his reign, Anaq formed alliances with other malevolent forces who joined him, both dragonkin and human, in oppressing the populace, instilling fear and despair in the hearts of the people. To further consolidate his power, Anaq and his allies carried out a relentless campaign to slaughter wild dragons, knowing that these creatures represented the only hope of resistance for the beleaguered humans.

The Conflict


Over the course of two decades, different factions of humans and Ancient Dragonkin valiantly opposed Anaq and his supporters across the lands of Azlov. With time, these groups grew strong enough to unite as the formidable Dragonguard Alliance. One year after its inception, they initiated a campaign against Anaq, beginning by eliminating his allies before confronting him directly. The climactic final battle unfolded a few miles outside of the Duskfire Oasis, marking the conclusion of the Twenty Year Scourge and the Draconian War in the year 900.


The land across Azlov bore the visible wounds of countless battles, with the scars of conflict marring the once-beautiful landscape. The people endured untold suffering and loss as they fought for their survival. However, following the conclusion of the war that brought an end to Anaq's oppressive rule, the land and its inhabitants have experienced a remarkable regeneration over the course of a century.

Historical Significance


The residual impact of the past events serves as a poignant reminder of the tumultuous history. Following the conflict known as the Draconian War, Anaq was bestowed with the title "Wyrm of Chaos" by the humans. The subsequent Draconian Concord, which was formally ratified two years after the war's conclusion, stands as an enduring testament to the momentous events that transpired a century ago.
Tyrannical Reign
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result


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