
Wyrms are magnificent creatures that resemble large serpents, lacking the ability to take flight. They possess the formidable characteristics of a snake, while also displaying distinct dragonkin features such as eyelids, horns, and large scales or platescales. It is worth noting that these creatures encompass a diverse range; some wyrms inhabit the sea and are commonly recognized as Sea Serpents, while others boast feathers and are specifically known as Quetzalcoatl or "feathered serpents."   The term "wyrm" refers to a classification within the family taxonomy.

Basic Information


Wyrms feature a distinct head and a long, sinuous body that shares resemblance with a serpent. They are notably known for their lack of appendages, such as legs or wings, which sets them apart from other dragonkin.   Some wyrms are equipped with specialized features to adapt to their environments. Borewyrms, for instance, are distinguished by the presence of a specialized horn on their head. This unique horn serves a variety of purposes, including prying rocks and melting ice.

Growth Rate & Stages

The growth rate and lifespan of wyrms are dependent on the overall size of the species. Generally, smaller wyrms tend to grow at a faster rate and have shorter lifespans compared to their larger counterparts.

Ecology and Habitats

The ecological characteristics and habitat preferences of wyrms can vary significantly, often depending on the specific species. Some wyrms exhibit distinct adaptations to particular climates and environmental conditions, showcasing their ability to thrive in diverse ecological niches.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The majority of these creatures are carnivorous, with a small amount of herbivorous behavior, while some may be exclusively herbivorous.


The behavior of wyrms towards humans can vary significantly. Some wyrms are comfortable being around humans, while others are not. When it comes to interacting with larger animals, smaller wyrms typically opt to flee and seek cover, while their larger counterparts may choose to hold their ground.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Although most wyrms typically lead solitary lives, they have the ability to come together and form small communities, resembling a clan or multiple packs in one. These communities allow wyrms to share resources, protect each other, and engage in collaborative activities such as hunting and territorial defense.


Only a few select species of wyrm have been successfully domesticated by humans. These domesticated wyrms are generally smaller in size compared to their wild counterparts. However, the majority of wyrms have not been domesticated and remain in the wild.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Wyrms are unable to assist with tasks in the same way other dragonkin can. Most of the time, they can be considered more like pets for humans, if anything. The only exception is a specific species called the Earthwyrm, which can help with tasks such as mining or digging tunnels for humans.

Facial characteristics

Different species of wyrms can exhibit a wide range of variations in their facial characteristics and features, including differences in snout length, eye shape, horn formation, and scale patterns.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Wyrms can be found inhabiting a wide range of biomes spread across the diverse landscape of Azlov. These biomes include not only terrestrial habitats, but also aquatic environments such as rivers, lakes, and oceans.

Average Intelligence

Wyrms are known for possessing a sophisticated level of intelligence, a trait that is often likened to that of humans. This high intelligence enables them to adapt to various challenges and environments.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The sensory capabilities of this creature can vary, resembling those of large predator animals. However, specific species may have additional senses. In general, some wyrms have similar senses to snakes, such as heat-sensing organs found in pit viper snakes. Additionally, sea serpents may have more senses such as electroreceptors, which are typical for aquatic animals.

Civilization and Culture

Relationship Ideals

Larger species of wyrms, which tend to form packs and small communities, often have a lifelong mate and form strong bonds. Their interaction with humans is mostly about companionship, and there are only very few small domesticated wyrms that are considered as pets by humans.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

While the majority of wyrms communicate using a limited range of sounds, akin to those made by snakes, there exist only a handful of ancient wyrms that have coexisted with humans for an extended period and have acquired the ability to speak a small amount of the English language.

Historical Figures

Wyrm of Chaos
One of the only wyrms known to have attained Ancient status is the legendary Wyrm of Chaos. This influential character is believed to be one of the largest of its kind and is not affiliated with the "Council" the Ancient Dragonkin created. He wreaked havoc upon the lands of Azlov, leading to the formation of the Ancient Council and the Draconian Concord in response to his destructive power.  
Void Leviathan
The other Ancient wyrm is known as the Void Leviathan, and is the only dragonkin that is larger than the Wyrm of Chaos. She aided in ending the Wyrm of Chaos' tyranny, and helped with transporting him to be imprisoned in Frostcrest.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Draconis Wyrm
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Materials
Scientific Classification
Class: Reptillia
Order: Draconis
Family: Wyrm


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