Tales from the Vault in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Tales from the Vault

Post-Dragon Cull

Dragon Smugglers (Winter Of 7844)
The Dragon Cull had just begun. The triton Pamplemousse and her two adopted children, Vanelli and Anya, smuggled a crate of royal dragon eggs from the Dragon Kingdom through the Rubygold Mountains and straight to the west, where they were kept safe.  
Eternal Winter (Winter Of 7993)
King of Salzenstadt, Ulfric Blackhand, had tasked adventurers to find out what had happened to an elite team of dwarves he had sent to the Ice Kingdom to make peace with Frostessa the Vile. When the adventurers arrived, they uncovered the truth of the dwarves mining too far south, and the assassination attempt on the duchesses. Frostessa's true name was Juniper, and her sister, Black Ice, was being kept alive by the Arcane Relic of Life, an obsidian gem she kept in her forehead. Juniper wielded the Arcane Relic of the Elements, and when her sister was killed by one of the dwarves, she enacted her revenge by bursting through the doors of Salzenstadt City and killing Blackhand herself.  
Cobra Island (Spring Of 8001)
Ayfa and Kosvir travel to Apophis, only to meet with high priest Karos and find he is in the possession of an Arcane Relic in the form of a snake's skull.  


Special Delivery (Autumn Of 8002)
Shortly after the formation of the Alliance, the Arcane Relic of Power was escorted by the Gemini twins to the triton kingdom of Azulora, to be presented to Queen Sardinia V. Pamplemousse, by now an advocate for triton rights, was leading a protest outside of Sardinia's palace. Agents of Sardinia assassinated Pamplemousse, and Pamplemousse's grandson Pasteque was one of those involved in the escort. Pasteque proceeded to activate the Arcane Relic of Power and take down Sardinia, slipping into a role of power over the triton people.  
Liberation Of The Free Peach (Spring Of 8003)
The Liberation of the Free Peach was the siege that ended House Greaves' tyrannical and discriminatory reign of Free Peach City and the Free Peach as a whole. Troops of the Western Plains, Wild Woods, Breantis and of Salzenstadt surrounded the Free Peach region and with the help of mole Marjorie Greaves were able to infiltrate the impenetrable city walls and liberate the people of the land.  
Coronation Day (Summer Of 8005)
Marjorie Greaves was coronated. On that day, an attempt was to be made on her life, and it was up to a small group of adventurers to overcome their fears of change in the west to stop it.  
Tether: Mystery Of Skirvin Manor (Winter Of 8007)
Searching for the criminal Roundabout Jen, adventurers found themselves tangled up in the tale of laying a haunted house to rest. In Camor, Skirvin Manor was the home to warlocks of Vapul that had to be put down.  
Fog Harbour (Winter Of 8007)
Alec von Stein hired the blood hunter Rowan to help find Nicolai, who had been kidnapped by Eclipse. An anonymous tip had led him to the east, to Fog Harbour, a fishing village on the northern coast of Anauroch.  


Burrow Of The Albino Werecrocodiles (Spring Of 8008, February)
Ode and Shane, young members of the Dragon Archivists, had been sent to Frost Bay to gain the allegiance of Ser Mara. Ser Mara, an officer on probation, would not leave until the cases of missing children had stopped, and to do that, the boys had to face the werecrocodiles hiding in the sewers beneath the city. With the aid of Wynna the Black, they travelled underground and put an end to Harmony and her albino werecrocodile menace. Wynna perished in this adventure, but not before she left her apartment to Ode.  
Chasing A Killer (Spring Of 8008, March)
Aura, Astrid, Claudi, and Cristoph teamed up to try and find a serial killer in Breantis.  
Honest Work (Spring Of 8008, April 7th)
Gemini began recruiting for Ace Ventura and found Khafra, Korrun, Dim, and Sylna to be worthy candidates. Together, they travelled to Harlow Hill, meeting with the Bakers' Guild and learning that the town had been flooded recently. They travelled to the nearby hill of the same name, only to find a cairn with a portal opening to a realm of the Feywild and Elysium known as the Court of Stars.   This realm was ruled by Morwel and the primordial being Koh. The two were confused at the fact that someone had opened a breach within the realm without Morwel's knowledge. Morwel asked the group to seek out a Runic Seal from the Market, the realm of the nekomata. They went, and after going, encountered difficulties acquiring a runic seal. Gemini was hunted down by drow bounty hunters, however after solving some disputes, ended up leaving with more recruits for Ace Ventura than he had bargained for.   The drow bounty hunters, and a nekomata girl named Keiko, started working for Ace Ventura, primarily based around Khafra's Abbey.  
The Depths (Spring Of 8008, April 13th)
Adventurers were tasked with escorting a young Holly von Stein to the Abyss to find the lost soul who helped her father end Eclipse- Caroline Aradia.  
Villains (Spring Of 8008, April 15th)
In another world, the heroes might have turned out evil. In a different timeline, Nicolai von Stein (known as the Wither) had turned evil, and ruled Eclipse with an iron fist. With the raw power of the Arcane Relics and the full might of Eclipse, Nicolai managed to tear down all of the Alliance forces and won Terra Caelum and the Underdark for himself forever.  
The Other Guilds (Spring Of 8008, April 17th)
Gemini was contacted by Remallia Haventree with an offer to join the Many Guilds. This would give Ace Ventura links to other guilds such as the Arcane Brotherhood and the Dragon Archivists, as well as the Harpers and the Order of the Gauntlet. He was convinced by Remi's daughter, Serenore, to allow the Red Wizards of Thay to join the Many Guilds. At the meeting, which took place at the Sky Spire, the Red Wizards joined officially. The Red Wizard representative, Rath Modar, approached Gemini informing him that Amecular had told them of Ace Ventura's beginnings and said that they would keep their mouths shut about what they knew if Gemini would do them a favour.   Directly after, Gemini and the Ace Venture reps Nimblefoot, Jenny Drew, and Federico Pyre travelled with Severin to the Hosttower of the Arcane as there it was being raided! An ancient white dragon named Arauthator and a horde of other white dragons had raided the Hosttower of the Arcane in the city of Yerentil, stealing many draconic texts from the wizards.   Arklem Greeth, director of the Hosttower, suffered the loss of his wife Valindra Shadowmantle in the attack, however thanks to Gemini he managed to stabilise her.   In the aftermath, Maccath the Crimson presented herself as an ally to Ace Ventura, approached Federico and telling him that she would go search for what the dragons had stolen.  


Kaldrfjell (Spring Of 8008, April 24th)
A small adventuring group of Harpers was sent to the lost temple of Kaldrfjell to try and discover its regenerative properties, shortly after the Blood Moon. They discovered many yokai living there, as well as that the temple was being guarded by a rare gem dragon named Falmír.  
Barber Of Free Peach City (Winter Of 8008, December)
People have been disappearing at night in Free Peach City. Some vanish entirely, leaving behind whispered rumours of fiends or other evil creatures having spirited them away. Others return strangely altered, with their memories of having been kidnapped wiped clean and their minds strangely dulled—and always with remarkable haircuts.   In the first part of this adventure, the residents at 45, Binroad District took upon themselves to try and put a stop to the kidnapper, in hopes to make enough money to pay the rent. Becker, wife of Helen Hellen, had been kidnapped, so Helen wrangled the group of money-hungry folk together to try and get revenge. They found their way to the eccentric Jooge's Barbershop. After getting nothing from the barber during the day, Sister Garaele suggested they come at night. That night, while Nick Nara, Helen, and Dwr snuck into the house, Fridae, Baby McBaby, Diona and Garaele stole Jooge's Flail Snail.   After descending into the caverns under the barbershop, the adventurers were put to sleep by Diona's deity, Krampus. The party arrived in the town hearing rumours of the mysterious disappearances. The first time they heard how the returned victims all come back with their hair cropped, coloured, and styled in the most exquisite ways, one of them remembered spotting Jooge’s barbershop as the party entered the town. The rumours the heard and their subsequent inquiries eventually led them toward the shop.  
Bards I: Jingle Bells (Winter Of 8008, December 24th)
A group of bards serving Alustriel Silverhand in the City of Sing were tasked with travelling to Terra Caelum to bring Candlenights cheer to Okhathage. Along the way, they brought happiness to Bootrix the ghost, beat up the Gronch, and captured Krampus.  
Harper Hoedown (Winter Of 8009, January 2nd)
A group of Harpers (and Judith Thann) visited Arkney for Arkney's Love Festival, only to find an evil fuckboy named Alan planned to destroy everything as revenge.  
Canyon Of The Stone Giants (Winter Of 8009, January 4th)
Ser Thorin the Protector, Ser Thorren Hammerstone, Cal'li, Strongjaw and Blaze were hired by the Council of Sparkling Stones and the Axe of Mirabar to put an end to the attacks on Mirabar orchestrated by the stone giants in Deadstone Cleft.   They infiltrated the canyon, putting down all the stone giants that crossed their paths. Ser Thorin was briefly petrified in gorgon mud, however, the might of the dwarf god Talos was invoked by Cal'li to free him.   Progressing through the cleft, they eventually faced Thane Kayalithica, and by means of Suggestion, convinced her to take cards from Diamond's Blue Deck. The cards invoked were Flames, Skull, and Fool, and an avatar of death and an archfiend teamed up to take down Kayalithica.   The amount of magic used to summon both entities caused the canyon to begin to collapse. As they tried to escape down the stream in the centre of the canyon, Thorin and Thorren got trapped in a small cavern. Within the cavern they met drowned maidens who told the paladins that they had been left here to drown by the High Axe of Mirabar, who had gotten rid of them once he was 'bored'.   The party returned to Mirabar, claimed the reward, before getting the Axe of Mirabar to arrest the man. They got him to admit to his crime by means of Zone of Truth. After leaving, they rested in Cal'li's wagon, and Thorren could have sworn he saw the figures of the drowned maidens in a nearby river, saluting as a means of giving their thanks.  
Berg Of The Frost Giants (Winter Of 8009, January 5th)
Ser Mara of Frost Bay had put out a bounty for Jarl Storvald, with a reward of 50,000gp for him to be brought back alive, and 20,000gp for him to be killed. Captain Napter and his crew; Lyra, Anton, Ozadius and Nym, travelled to Svardborg to capture the Jarl. After a failed strategy, Anton and Ozadius ended up perishing on Storvald's ship (the Krigvind) and burned it down. However, they did manage to kill Storvald, and received a reward upon return to Frost Bay. Captain Napter decided to retire to write erotic literature instead, giving his ship (the Hot Discourse) to Lyra, promoting her to captain.  
In Unholy Matrimony (Winter of 8009, January 7th)
Harrowcrest was deep in preparation for the wedding of its lady and her groom. Various members of the community had taken on the responsibilities of planning, catering, and officiant. Most were absorbed in their duties, including the bride and groom-to-be, who were trying to deal with the tension of their respective wedding parties gathering within the increasingly claustrophobic manor.   But disconcerting news had reached Harrowcrest. Word was that a mysterious monster-slayer with a merciless reputation had been sighted in the area, no doubt drawn by the prospect of crashing such a union. While a single individual posed little physical threat to the town’s infernal residents, his interjection could have jeopardised what was an important day for Harrowcrest. Rather than sully the occasion by personally hunting a man through the streets, Lady Calvus had instead called for outside help. She wished for the party to act as security until the wedding’s conclusion. They were instructed to remain subtle and unobtrusive so as to not upset the preparations and to, above all else, stop the monster hunter from ruining the wedding.   Lady Calvus was absorbed in the frantic preparations of her wedding. Aside from organising with Maisie Holloway, she also had to contend with the tension between Etriel’s party of fiendish friends and her own entirely human mother and half-brother and best man, Mikael. Her responsibilities leave her without spare time. Coupled with a shared wish for the wedding to be without flaws, this placed Esmerelda in no position to deal with the news of an infamous interloper. Though she was more than capable, she rathered paying for outside help than to slaughter a man and ruin her own wedding day. The same applied to the gathered wedding parties. Fortunately, it did not preclude hiring a discrete security detail.   Adventurers Atilas, Blaze, Diari and Wick provided their services and stopped Abram van Sloan from fucking up her wedding. She awarded each of them with the title of Hero of Harrowcrest.  
Enclave I (Spring Of 8009, February 3rd)
Goldenfields, the granary of the east, is a huge stronghold in the east of the Emerald Enclave. Enclave leader Jorah Thorn asked recruits Oak, Sundae, Vika, Cidwadh, Diari, Vernus and Frappuchino to investigate some problems in the Goldenfields area. For one, there was a triton named Lady Sarbonnes who moved into Sarbonnes keep and was claiming that Goldenfields belonged to her, and there was also a small fleet of Dragon Archivists airships to the east by Roc Hill.   The adventurers travelled to Roc Hill first, interrogating the Dragon Archivists they found there. While there, the Archivists were drawing runes on the hill in chalk, for some unknown arcane purposes. Roc Hill was known for having a dormant Feywild portal that allowed temporary travel at dusk, so this behaviour was far from regular. While there, they met the dryad, Poppy. The Enclave agents managed to annoy the Archivists enough to make them leave.   The adventurers then went west, to Sarbonnes Keep. The Sarbonnes Forest was in a gloomy state, very dreary, and when they arrived at the keep they were welcomed in by Lady Sarbonnes. Sarbonnes claimed to be the inheritor of the land, and had paperwork to prove it, and stated that Goldenfields should be hers. She attempted to fight the adventurers, but she was put down.  
Bards II: Sing a Soothing Song (Spring of 8009, February 11th)
The town of Phandalin had been on the rise since heroes came from afar and rid it of Redbrand bandits and liberated Wave Echo Cave. While Phandalin prospered, a new potential threat emerged. A rare dragon had nested many miles west, high up in the Rubygold Mountains, making the Ruby Pass its lair. As a result, shards of red ruby started growing from the mountainside, and while that might have seemed good for a bustling town of miners, the gems appeared to have tainted and poisoned the nearby rivers. It was unknown why the dragon had nested here, though it was commonly known that dragons kept large hoards of treasure within their lair.   Heroes of Phandalin are typically given a share in the profits of Wave Echo Cave, as per the wishes of Nundro Rockseeker's late brother Gundrun, and townmaster Wester promised the title to the first ones to rid the area of the dragon. Warriors of all kinds had failed, however, all had managed to escape with their lives (though not without deep wounds). If this situation could not be settled with force, then perhaps some charismatic bards could be trusted to sing a soothing song and get the dragon to leave.  

Post-Storm King's Thunder

Tentacles at Grey Rock (Spring of 8009, March 26th)
Eoifira, Elvira and Kassimir traveled to the Absolut Manor in Grey Rock to carry out a simple job. However, in secret, the assassin Jofira had been ordered to entrap the Feet of Maple and eliminated them. Moreover, beneath the manor, was a Star Spawn torturing Nym to get information of the drow house Zolass.  
Wandering Skeleton (Spring of 8009, March 27th)
After being wrangled into doing an Ace Ventura guild quest by Merchu, Diona Caomhán the Self-Made and Lir travelled to Dimdale to deal with the potential threat of an undead wandering the area. The undead turned out to be a skeleton named Edrick who had been killed by a Flail Snail and sought to die a true warrior's death. After a glorious battle, he was defeated by Caomhán, and his soul was lifted by a Valkyrie.  
Multi-Linguist Needed (Spring of 8009, April 1st)
While clearing out the attic of his home, Llewellyn the Fake came upon an old scroll. He could not read the writing, so he requested some Ace Ventura adventurers to decipher the text. The text was directions to where the grandfather of the previous house owner had hidden a trove of magic items.   After arriving at the springs, known as the Ironleaf Clearing, himself and the adventurers found several traps guarding various treasures. It was revealed in the grandfather's tomb that Llewellyn was an imposter, and he was then killed by Merchu. The adventurers finished clearing out the springs, and Diona started making plans to start a flail snail ranch here in the future.  
Dungeon Delving: Basindenn (Spring of 8009, April 8th)
Gemini, Jasper, Jayden, Lir, and Caomhán the Self-Made travelled to Basindenn to carry out a quest for Ace Ventura. Dire Wolves Malcerion and Pecta had scouted out a potential settlement for further guild expansion. The location was an abandoned village and a sunken greenhouse, that could be a good site to construct an Ace Ventura Outreach outpost. The problem was that something in the sewers was causing plant life to animate and fight back against the adventurers. After delving into the sewers, the adventurers solved several puzzles and slew various dangerous monsters before facing off against That Vegan Wizard.   The adventurers cleared the dungeon and secured the location for the guild in the end.  
Kobold Flour (Spring of 8009, April 11th)
Merchu convinced Caity Starflower Diona and Caomhán to take a quest in Kilwood. The quest entailed acquiring Kobold Flour from a nearby encampment of blue kobolds for a local baker. The baker, a silver Dragonborn named Cluudrax, wanted the flour to enhance his dragon origami croissants for the Great Monster Bake-Off as part of the Kilwood Monster Festival. The adventurers went to the kobolds, who said that they would give them the flour in exchange for dealing with a particularly nasty elemental that was residing in the nearby well. After dispatching of the elemental, the party delivered the flour to Cluudrax and enjoyed a fun night at the Monster Festival.  
Doppelrat Danger (Spring of 8009, April 13th)
Dungeon Delving: Tombs of Wrath (Spring of 8009, April 15th)
Bards III: The Song of Creation (Spring of 8009, April 16th)
An attack on the City of Sing  
Lost Mines of Phandelver: Reunion Tour
The Feet of Maple will have to team up with the veteran Heroes of Phandalin to save the town from a new threat.  

Post-Descent into Avernus

The Ancient Vale (Spring Of 8011)
After months of preparation, the trial of Narrian in Mount Celestia came to pass. During the trial, chaos erupted when demons from the Abyss came pouring out of rifts in space and time. Among the chaos, Narrian used Plane Shift to get Serana Gemini and Lizzy to a safe space. His portal malfunctioned, bringing the group to a world called the Ancient Vale.

Overarching Narrative

Tales from the Vault is an anthology campaign, comprising of many different events and adventures set in Terra Caelum's history. Each tale of the vault thematically ties into the main campaigns, however, they also have a common theme with one another. Overall, the anthology tells the tale of the shifting of power, and the strength that some of the major factions of Terra Caelum hold.   Common threads also include adventures that revolve around the passing of Arcane Relics from place to place.

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