
Large serpentine-like animal, somehow capable of flight. Amphitheres are similar to snakes, however they possess wings. Unlike snakes, amphitheres actually have eyelids.

"Amphithereus", sometimes known as "Flying Adder", "Winged Adder", or less known as "Occamy", is actually the family classification, and they are a mix between Wyrms and Wyverns.

Basic Information


This doesn't vary much, but typically amphitheres have a head, and serpantine-like body, usually with two wings. They do not posses any legs.

Genetics and Reproduction

This can vary, but most lay eggs.

Growth Rate & Stages

Depending on the overall size of the species, smaller ones will grow faster and have a shorter life span than larger amphitheres.

Ecology and Habitats

This can vary, depending on the species. Some are more adapated to certain climates.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Almost all amphitheres are carnivorous.

Biological Cycle

This can vary depending on the species.


This can vary, but only a few amphitheres are ok with humans, most are not. Smaller amphitheres tend to run and hide from larger animals, while larger amphitheres may stand their ground.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Most live on their own, however they can form small communities, almost like a clan or multiple packs in one.


A small very select few species have been domesticated to humans. Most amphitheres aren't though.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They cannot help with most tasks like the other dragonkin. Most of the time, they can be like pets for humans, if anything.

Facial characteristics

Varies depending on the species.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Amphitheres are found all over Azlov, in many types of biomes, but they are most common in dry desert-like areas.

Average Intelligence

Amphitheres are very intelligent, almost as much as humans.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

This can vary, with the typical sensories expected to see on large predator animals, however some specific species may have additional sensories. In general, some amphitheres have similar sensories to snakes, such as heat sensing organs seen on pit viper snakes.

Civilization and Culture

Relationship Ideals

With the larger species that tend to form packs and small communities, they have a mate for life type of relationship. Their relationship with humans can be more of a companion to each other, if anything at all. Only the very select few small domesticated amphitehres are like pets to humans.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

While most amphitheres use a small variety of sounds, typical of what you would think a snake have, there are a very few older amphitheres that have spent time near humans, and actually speak a small amount of English. Though they usually don't.

Common Myths and Legends

There is a legend of a few Ancient dragonkin that have formed a type of "Council". Know one really knows where they are, and haven't seen an Ancient in a very long time. There is only one known amphithere with this status, and it is not known if they can speak any words like the other Ancients. It is rumored that the Ancient Amphithere is the largest one of it's kind to ever exist.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Very few are ok with humans and integrate into their society, others are not and stay away.
Scientific Classification
Class: Reptillia
Order: Draconis
Family: Amphithereus

Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Draconis Amphithereus
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Varies depending on the species.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
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