History of Holocene

  • 250000 BDR

    12th and most recent iteration of Atlantis destroyed by an alliance led by Great Old Ones
    Celestial / Cosmic

  • 200000 BDR

    Janto exiled from the Panthalessus
    Celestial / Cosmic
  • 60000 BDR

    Expansion of the Caridern Elves
    Population Migration / Travel
  • 5501 BDR

    Alin 'Patrons' contact Carkade
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event
  • 4500 BDR

    Collapse of the Carkade Empire, expulsion of the Alin from Holocene, end of the Major Discontinuance Event
    Disaster / Destruction
    More reading
    Alin Empire
  • 3000 BDR

    Grey Elves settle at Blue Wall
  • 2000 BDR

    1st Jydengiss city of Qadi (gnomes) founded
  • 1100 BDR

    1st Talin settlement established
  • 1000 BDR

    Dwarves begin to settle the lands that will become the Torobor Nations
    Population Migration / Travel
  • 300 BDR

    1st modern hominid settlements on Pholos
  • 40 BDR

    20 BDR

    First Mithrall Wars under the Southern Saturn Mountains
    Military action
  • 20 BDR

    980 DR

    Sarpadian Empire lifespan
    Era beginning/end
  • 0 BDR

    Chondathan tribe from faerun founds Yarus
  • 198 DR

    1st Talinessee Empire proclaimed
  • 200 DR

    Kurgan civilisation at its peak
    Political event
  • 350 DR

    Lepontines first historical appearance as a distinct entity
  • 460 DR

    470 DR

    Sarpadian Empire conquest of the Cernavodan tribes
    Military action
  • 724 DR

    1240 DR

    Empire of Ascended barbranid lifespan
    Era beginning/end
  • 750 DR

    Port of Seas established by the Sarpadian Empire as a trading post
  • 760 DR

    Unification of the Torobor Nations (dwarves) under the Treaty of Torobor
    Political event
  • 800 DR

    Chandathans migrate from Faeurn to the Radiant Coast
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 800 DR

    1190 DR

    Coeraian Empire lifespan
    Era beginning/end
  • 820 DR

    Sarpadian Empire at maximum extent
    Era beginning/end
  • 850 DR

    Rise of Orion after the fall of the Eventide Kingdom
    Political event
  • 870 DR

    1st Jamamari Principality established
  • 873 DR

    875 DR

    Boldshine Revolt in Ibin'lorn
  • 885 DR

    1st Tizsani Principality established
  • 948 DR

    950 DR

    Chaethan Saldonisso Uprising in Ibin'lorn
  • 949 DR

    Blue Wall reestablished in its modern form
  • 970 DR

    Wolves Reach established
  • 975 DR

    End of the Witch War, Witch Queens crowned
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event
  • 980 DR

    1000 DR

    Sorcerer King Supremacy over Semudan
    Military action
  • 980 DR

    Collapse of the Sarpadian Empire, Kingdom of Argos, Mayuran civilisation, Janto Hegemony, Sun People Sphere, the last Major Telehetti Circle and the Elven led Sousarn Khaganate
    Disaster / Destruction
    More reading
  • 980 DR

    Kingdom of Jorentes is created

  • 1000 DR

    1100 DR

    Proto-Yamnayan Dynasty
    Political event
  • 1000 DR

    Tethyrian settlers arrive on the Radiant Coast
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 1050 DR

    Tizsani Principalities at maximum extent, with submission of bordering steppe tribes
    Political event
  • 1100 DR

    Western Liodan Elves are expelled from Inib'lorn
    Political event
    More reading
    Goro Liodan
  • 1115 DR

    Treaty of Henelis createz the Republic of Cotofeni
  • 1150 DR

    1160 DR

    Helegu-Elven Wars
    Military action
  • 1155 DR

    Unification of the steppe tribes of the Pasishta under the Helegu
    Political event
  • 1160 DR

    1st Helegu invasion of the Golden Talinessee Empire
    Military action
  • 1161 DR

    1170 DR

    Helegu-Tizsani Wars
    Military action
  • 1170 DR

    Northern Talinessee Dynasty submits to the Helegu Khaganate
    Political event
  • 1170 DR

    1190 DR

    Helegu-Coeraian Empire Wars
    Military action
  • 1178 DR

    Chalcoli fully occupied by the Helegu
    Military action
  • 1190 DR

    Abantaeus,, capital of the Jamamari destroyed by the Helegu
    Disaster / Destruction
  • 1190 DR

    Jydengiss fully submits to the Helegu Khaganate
    Political event
  • 1200 DR

    1410 DR

    Ulger Supremacy over the Radiant Coast
    Political event
  • 1200 DR

    1220 DR

    Helegu-Stone Commonwealth Wars
    Military action
  • 1200 DR

    1240 DR

    Helegu-Barbranid Empire Wars
    Military action
  • 1200 DR

    Modern Gramidern is founded
  • 1210 DR

    Lepontines surrender and now united under the Helegu
    Diplomatic action
  • 1215 DR

    Fall of Mathrami to the Helegu
    Disaster / Destruction
  • 1219 DR

    1222 DR

    Yarus Kingdom decimated by the Helegu
    Military action
  • 1220 DR

    Kingdom of Lengyom surrenders to the Helegu
    Diplomatic action
  • 1220 DR

    1230 DR

    1st Helegu-Jorentes wars
    Military action
  • 1220 DR

    1250 DR

    Kingdom of Pholos established after mass migration from the continent of Hadean
    Population Migration / Travel
  • 1220 DR

    1230 DR

    The Long Siege, Helegu allies besiege the Torobor Nations
    Military action
  • 1240 DR

    Northern Barbranid capitulates to the Helegu Khaganate
    Political event
  • 1250 DR

    Sheev Hoblgoblin Legions at their greatest strength
    Military action
  • 1250 DR

    Yamnayan Dynasty established
  • 1250 DR

    1252 DR

    2nd Helegu-Jorentes wars
    Military action
  • 1255 DR

    Fall of Terminand Zand, capital of Southern Golden Talinessee, to the Helegu
    Disaster / Destruction
  • 1275 DR

    1280 DR

    Helegu invasions of Cernavoda
    Military action
  • 1300 DR

    Surrender of the final free Golden Talinessee Empire cities
    Political event
  • 1323 DR

    1325 DR

    Helegu-Treonol Wars
    Military action
  • 1325 DR

    1330 DR

    1st Helegu-Telehetti Wars
    Military action
  • 1338 DR

    United Helegu Khaganate devolves to 5 Helegu Hosts
    Era beginning/end
  • 1380 DR

    Helegu retreat from Ceres
    Political event
  • 1385 DR

    1390 DR

    Kingdom of Khukdrumi (dwarven) falls to the Bristling Orc Horde
    Military action
  • 1390 DR

    Torobor Nations cast off tributary status to the Helegu Khaganate
  • 1397 DR

    Splitting Orc Horde emerges from the Yavamaya Forest and rages eastward
    Military action
  • 1400 DR

    Broad Orc Horde emerges from the Yavamaya Forest and rages eastward
    Military action
  • 1410 DR

    Treaty of Thimo between Northern Barbranid and the Helegu Khaganate
    Diplomatic action
  • 1425 DR

    Jorentes begins westward expansion
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 1430 DR

    Yarus Kingdom fully independent from the Helegu
  • 1430 DR

    Paracer Ascension established
  • 1435 DR

    Helegu retreat from east Ceti
    Political event
  • 1448 DR

    Kali Tyranny established
  • 1450 DR

    Cernavoda gains independence from the Helegu
  • 1458 DR

    Helegu led army under the Roaring Host Khan Jayaatu vanishes in the southern maba plains
    Military action
  • 1458 DR

    Destruction of the Helegu Golden Host
    Era beginning/end
  • 1465 DR

    Skaedguard established in the Chalk tablelands
    More reading
    Eventide Shield
  • 1465 DR

    Kingdom of Lengyom regains freedom from the Helegu
  • 1465 DR

    Paracer-Guptaris Wars (ongoing)
    Military action
  • 1469 DR

    Jessudu the Sumptuous exiled from the Citadel of Ten Thousand Pearls, taking the Ink of Architeuthis with her
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event
    More reading
    Ink of Architeuthis
  • 1470 DR

    1472 DR

    Paracer-Kali Wars
    Military action
  • 1470 DR

    Grand Matron leads the Singidi Circle to prominence in Telehetti
    Political event
  • 1472 DR

    Time Void starts spilling out the Mummies of Carkade (ongoing)
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event
  • 1473 DR

    Blue Host-Silver Host civil war (ongoing)
    Military action
  • 1474 DR

    1st Architeuthis Events tears apart portions of the skies above Holocen
    Celestial / Cosmic
    More reading
  • 1474 DR

    Zoc Merr uprising (ongoing) in southern Talin
  • 1474 DR

    Tal Accord destroyed by the Fallen of Sosso and the Sorcerer King
    Disaster / Destruction
  • 1474 DR

    Major Discontinuance Event erupts
    Celestial / Cosmic

    More reading
    Discontinuance Events
  • 1478 DR

    2nd Architeuthis Events tears apart portions of the skies above Holocene
    Celestial / Cosmic

    More reading