
The isle of Askel faces more of the brunt of the northern storms than any of the other isles. Hrafnel's mountains are deep enough to break up the harsh winds and climate, but Askel's mountains do not shelter the rest of the island very well. As a result, the weather is typically harsher on Askel, but the people are hardier. The lands here are not as suitable for farming and since the raiding has ceased under the unified Moontide Isles, the Northlanders who inhabit Askel have had a more difficult time adapting to the change. Residents of the island have tried to make their living through fishing, timbering, and herding animals on the meager grasses. This has limited the size of settlements in most areas of the island, except for areas with access to docks to trade goods. For a while, control of the isle varied from jarl to jarl who fought and took over control of the lands, but little changed on Askel. Recently, however, a figure known as the Ice Maiden has claimed Askel as her realm. She is a Northlander warrior who defeated the previous Jarl and rallies the people of Askel to return to their old ways of raiding and conquest. Some claim that she was chosen by Morganos and others claim that she is the daughter of Yther. But as her calls for a return to the old ways grows, so does the worry of the High Queen and the alliance between the peoples of the Moontides.   The thick pine forests to the south of the island provide lumber and the tallest of these trees are sought after for the masts of the Northlander ships. Packs of winter wolves den in the forests, occasionally causing threat to the Northlander loggers. The mountains to the north are harsh and battered with cold winds and snow and are home to frost giants and coldscale drakes, keeping those who might try to exploit its resources away.


  • Kingdom of Askel
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