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Pirate Tales: Gilded Scales

A pirate has claimed to have discovered black scales with golden edges in the vicinity of the Shatterscale Mountains. According to the account, these scales are said to come from an Ancient Dragon rumored to reside in Dragonspire. The legend suggests that within Dragonspire, there may be centuries-old treasure waiting to be found.   Nevertheless, skepticism surrounds the pirate's story, as the elusive dragon has never been sighted. Some pirates suspect that the scales are merely generic dragon scales dipped in gold, and that the tale of the Ancient Dragon is nothing more than a fabrication to justify funding the resources for a full expedition to look for Dragonspire and its treasure.
The sale seems fake to me, it looks like a normal scale from a shadescale dragon dipped in golden paint or something.
— Pirate
Finding the scale somewhere near the base of mountains means the dragon is flying about, and yet no one has reported anything of the like.
— Pirate
Some pirates are just making up stories to get the rest of us on board for trying to find Dragonspire. This is just like the "treasure" that resides within the World Hole.
— Pirate


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