Keeper's Grove

Keepers Grove.png
by Azgaar
Keeper's Grove

General Description

Minor holy site which has seen better days  

The People

A handful of old, haggard priests and a score or more of young, boisterous, slightly-rough-around-the-edges acolytes  

GM Notes

1-in-20 chance of a caravan leading to Stionhays  

Points of Interest

There are tunnels linking all the buildings in town. They were mainly used to get around in winter but have been repurposed by The Owls  




Rules for the Faction Game can be found here
The Owls are a slavery gang that's moved into the Grove recently and our using it as a hideout by disguising themselves as priest. The leader of the Owls is the sister of the head priest who is exploiting her brother, which is why they chose here.   But the Owls, getting comfortable with their operation, are now running amok and The Priests are getting sick of it. They can’t directly fight back because they’re old men but will make the Owls’ lives miserable in any other way they possibly can.  

Divine Factions









General Info

Gen. Demographics

Total Pop: 23
Area (acre): <1
Dwellings: 10
Buildings: 15

Nations Breakdown

Loch (Knach) 1 - 60
Elf 61 - 85
Meedt (Knach) 86 - 98
Orc (Jopvi's Horde) 99
Other: 100

Religion Breakdown

The Brotherhood 1 - 99
Other: 100



  • (dejure) Head Priest Irhard
  • (defacto) Sinner Marioki, leader of The Owls
  • Vassals



  • (dejure) Baroness Wollscha Illo Barony of Loch
  • Because they're bannered by the Count of Wollsch, they have special rights and privilages and enfiefed directly from them
  • (defacto) High Priest Blindwolf Ditliv Prensuchdt
  • While they could press their County Fief rights, day-to-day, they're happy to default to Blindwolf Ditliv



  • Ancient

  • Awarded a banner by a previous count of Wollsch for them taking him and healing him when his bodyguard was ambushed
  • It is told that the priests didn't know who he was and didn't ask for coin or recompense
  • Founded by Two-Ways Karulona

  • Inspirations

    This section is just a freeform area to jot down inspirations as they strike so they're not forgotten when it's time to fit out the article more fully or update it.

  • Regional Map

    North Wisthulz

    Table of Contents


    Black Brothers

    Th slavers here are being extorted by the Black Brothers, who use their connections to make putting in at the Prensuchdt docks.


    The Gifahringopfil nearby are said to weep at night; that crying can be heard. The final echo of a maiden who threw himself off the cliff.   The outlaws hiding in The Keeper's Grove warn people away from the Gifahringopfil as being extremely dangerous and tell people to simply go around. This is because they use the caves for keeping the slaves they're trading.

    Hangman Tribe

    The Hangman Tribe know about The Keeper's Grove and where the slaves are kept (Gifahringopfil) and use that information to blackmail the priests and outlaws.

    Kraftvulli Styrzi

    Just a beautiful waterfall. The people of the The Keeper's Grove say that their founder, Two-Ways Karulona, heard the voice of Estra at this location and knew it was where the Grove should be made.


    The villagers of Stionhays are extremely suspicious of The Keeper's Grove. While they're not targets they've still seen a change in the priests. If someone is going to do their devotions at the grove, someone from town will volunteer to go with them. They won't reveal their suspicions unless they trust the person because they're not 100% sure.  


    Why Here?

    Two-Ways Karulona thought she heard the voice of Estra in the waterfall
    But the waterfall isn’t a Place of Power so what did she hear/why?

    What Does the Village Provide?

    Nothing: it’s barely a village

    What Does It Lack?

    A stable population
    Steady food supply   Most of its population were old men and women (until recently) so now there are old men, old women and young men   It survives on donations and endowments, mainly coming from the Count of the Wollsch and the Brynholders
    It gets new priests via assignments from the Brynholders who used it to isolate priests who displeased him

    What Threatens It?

    The Owls who’ve moved in to expand their slaving industry - they’ve been using it as a staging area for the crossing of Firdt Lake   Estra’s displeasure

    How does it Protect Itself?

    The Owls have moved in and are becoming more brazen.
    The remaining real priests have put their foot down about people from Stionhays but that doesn’t stop them from taking the few pilgrims and travelers to the grove.   The Owls continue to do their devotions and sacrifices to Estra to keep her happy and will donate to hedge their bets   What is the cost?
    Obviously, there is growing suspicion in Stionhays
    There is also growing unrest among the priests who feel like they’ve been trapped in a horrible situation by their head priest  

    What Are the Norms?

    Traditions, Beliefs, Religions, etc. What does the average person value? What are its Traditions? What beliefs does everyone have? What are the major and minor religions? How do the people see themselves?


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