Summer Reading 2024

I hope everyone had a wonderful Summer Camp; I know I did. I somehow managed to complete all 42 prompts, which was definitely beyond my pledge for the gold badge. Not bad for my first Summer Camp!     You can check out all of my articles below, plus the extra ones created during the event that didn't get used for a prompt. There's 64 in total! A full stack of articles, haha.  
Summer Camp 2024
Generic article | Sep 3, 2024

Summer Camp 2024 Prompt Entries


Expand Characters
I've only created pages for characters without really having the time to develop them, except for a few that I created for writing prompts.
I don't necessarily mean to write a biography for each one, but just some more general character development stuff.   Art
It would be nice to add some art; at least some concept sketches of locations, characters, and dragons. Right now, I only have some AI-generated concept material, more for a proof of concept.
After doing a ton of worldbuilding this July (64 articles in total!), I'd really like to link some story plot points together now. There are still a few story elements I'm not quite sure how to connect or what to do with at the moment.   Dragons
I mean, this whole world I created is all about dragons. Can't have too many of them now, can we? So I've got to sit down and create some more dragon species. I made a few during this Summer Camp event, but I could use more. I also need to expand on some of the ones that existed before the event.
SC24 pledge
by World Anvil

Summer Camp 2024 certificate
by World Anvil

Reading your Articles

Now, that the writing is done, it's time for reading! Here are the articles I read.  
Shadow Blade
Character | Jul 31, 2024
A well written detailed character with a rich history; I really enjoyed the read! I liked how the character got the name "Shadow Blade", and no one even knew it was him.
Pact of the Sentients
Document | Aug 2, 2024
It had a similar premise to my Draconian Concord, so I enjoyed this read. I liked how they tied it into some of the other prompts, too.
Silver Squirrel
Building / Landmark | Aug 25, 2024
When I saw "Silver Squirrel" on the list, I was not expecting a brothel LOL.
Nameless Swords
Military Formation | Jul 27, 2024

A unit assigned to protect the Triumphant Standard

I found this to be an interesting concept for a unit; they're allowed to use their own armor. I also liked how their lives aren't just thrown away for nothing; if the Standard is stolen, then retrieve it.
The Silver Eel
Myth | Jul 27, 2024
I started off thinking, "Oh, what a fun little tale." I love the twist at the end!
Tradition / Ritual | Aug 2, 2024

Transcending the borders of faith is the urge to call to the gods themselves.

by Han
Excellent writing, beautiful tradition; I like the variations of it over its history. I love the site's theme and images on the page, too.
Cinder Serpents
Species | Aug 20, 2024
Love this little guy! Well, "little" might be an understatement.
Necrophage Worms
Species | Jul 27, 2024
Most things people create that eat decaying organic matter are dark in color and scary-looking, but I like how this one is bioluminescent; I want to poke it! I also like how this worm has practical uses, too.
Condition | Aug 3, 2024
Interesting concept that even a machine like an android can get a disease/condition. It reminds me of Bit Rot that can happen on storage mediums.
The Sundial
Item | Sep 4, 2024
Very interesting and well written! I like how this single item created a new field of archeology.

Lumen Pendant
Item | Aug 3, 2024

A pendant commonly carried by the faithful of the Radiant Church.

An interesting item, I find it's similar to one of my items, the Sun Catcher, in terms of themes with light, but also completely different.

Cover image: by World Anvil


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