Summer Camp 2024

Recap, review, and reading, reading, reading...

"Oh yeah. It's all coming together."
— Kronk, The Emperor's New Groove

A Good Time

I had a great time writing for the prompts this year. I got back to my home a few days after it started so I was a bit late getting to the first article but managed to make a schedule and stick to it, ending up with all forty-two prompts accounted for by the end of the month.   Having gone into this with only the little bit of the homework I did on my phone, I didn't have a specific region, culture, or other idea to focus on. The result is a scattered collection of articles, each growing naturally out of something previously established in Linebound - well, most of them anyway. This was really interesting to me and felt like the first time it was a natural expansion of the setting instead of me just taping more things to it. There are a few specific ones I want to talk about but will save those for the relevant section below.

A Tumultuous Region Prone to Disasters

I have long wanted to establish all of the different counties that make up Grara. While I still haven't done that, this prompt led me to create Ostad and to name two of its neighboring counties.
Geographic Location | Jul 9, 2024

The land of the Rising Lake.


Linebound isn't often a setting about powerful beings doing incredible things. This article from Lady Wynter rips a continent in half and then brings war and barren lands to it.
Geographic Location | Jul 26, 2024

An Environmental or Other Large-Scale Natural Disaster

I had to come up with something that didn't involve throwing land over the edge of Breharan again because if I do there won't be any airable land left. Hence, the Shade.
The Shade
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 11, 2024

Colossal crawling consuming cloud.

The Night of the Second Sun

Imagine if Captain Ahab was a god and instead of Ahab dying in the quest a whole bunch of towns are destroyed. I never would have thought of it but Ahmsy certainly did.
The Night of The Second Sun
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 13, 2024

A Character Who Goes Through a Great Change or Metamorphosis

This was actually the last article that I wrote. I had hoped to make it even better than it is but I simply didn't have the time at the end of Summer Camp.
Remias Mori
Character | Aug 3, 2024

The man who makes, in turn, himself remade.

Bathmaster Hor'rus

Went here because I am a huge fan of Thermae Romae, got a great article from Barron. A charcter who has become a part of the culture of a place.
Bathmaster Hor'rus
Character | Jul 13, 2024

The charismatic host who designed the Geyser chamber that keeps Gomorrah Sands alive.

Rosemary "Syl" Seward

From fellow Tabletaler Dragon Magpie, the main character of world Sandcastles! Syl gets a change in career but that certainly isn't the biggest change that she goes through.
Rosemary "Syl" Seward
Character | Aug 2, 2024

A Sickness that Caused Societal Upheaval

When I was making entries in the Chronicle last year, I created a disease that once killed the Emperor of Bral. This disease - the Red Lung - still threatens Bral now, never far from rearing its head.
Red Lung
Condition | Jul 7, 2024

The king-killer.

Blood Plague

Had to read this article from Ilaine Darkes due to the importance of a disease with the same name in my own Project Exodus.
Blood plague
Condition | Aug 3, 2024

The Death of Hope

This article really expands from the prompt and teaches us a lot about the origins of the setting. Love this article by Pete Nelson.
The Death of Hope
Condition | Jul 5, 2024

A Document that Changed the Course of History

This one was part of my quest of to tackle stubs. It isn't done quite yet, it still needs a side bar, but it is a good start I think.
Charter of Lands and Trade
Document | Jul 8, 2024

Grara's founding document.

Ashes to Ashes

What happens when one speech would reveal something about the truth of the universe? What kind of chaos would it cause? These are the questions that AsterVela begins to answer here.
Ashes to Ashes
Document | Jul 6, 2024

Aspects of the Soul

This article tackles the same question that my ongoing D&D game does - do warforged have souls? This is a good read from Arirthos.
Aspects of the Soul
Document | Jul 7, 2024

A Displaced People in Your World

Coming from the place from the first prompt - Ostad - this article talks about the people who live there.
Ethnicity | Jul 10, 2024

People of the corner county.

The Fae

I always have to check out what is similar and what is different between similar things in settings and this led me to adriablack's article.
The Fae
Ethnicity | Jul 16, 2024

The Maruk

This people - by ptahskhet - have gone through a lot but were kept together with their sense of community. A great read.
The Maruk
Ethnicity | Jul 19, 2024

A Conflict that Involved a Changing Environment

I think this article turned out well. A story, a mystery, and airships!
The Reclamation of the Kiirn
Military Conflict | Jul 12, 2024

When the cost of rescue is too high.

A Vehicle that, When Introduced, Caused Societal Upheaval

Someone had to turn a skyship into a warship eventually. Even if pirates did it first, the first nation to do it got a lot of blowback!
The Kiirn
Vehicle | Jul 13, 2024

The first skyship to carry cannons.


How could I resist S Bloodfallen's article about airships? They're airships!
Vehicle | Jul 18, 2024

Time Trailer

This article by hughpierre is an interesting way to travel, even if slower than a bicycle.
Time Trailer
Vehicle | Jul 11, 2024

A Myth About Food

I think that my articles about Ostad, the Ostan people, and their myth about food turned out quite well. Food Floods I particularly like for being a creative idea with a big cultural impact and the strange rules and exceptions it created.
Food Floods
Myth | Jul 7, 2024

Eat nowhere but the home.

Food of the Fae Realm

As Linebound includes fae, I had to check out DM Eilers article about the food that they eat. I especially love the description of the magical fruits cultivated by the different season's courts.
Food of the Fae Realm
Myth | Jul 21, 2024

The Myth of the Golden Honeyfruit

A fruit that is a myth and teaches a lesson about greed? One that grants strength, heals any wound, and grants the gift of prophecy? What isn't to love? A very good read by Ptahsekeht.
The Myth of the Golden Honeyfruit
Myth | Aug 13, 2024

A Building Associated With Joy and Fun

This is an article that I think is short but good. A place with given a name by one of the great explorers.
Barrel's Bottom
Building / Landmark | Jul 17, 2024

The last bar out and the first one in.

The Seafarer's Rest

This sailor's tavern reminds me of a bed and breakfast I once stayed at on the east coast. This article by bankzu builds an atmosphere for a place in a small number of words.
The Seafarer's Rest
Building / Landmark | Jul 10, 2024

Underground Library

This is an interesting article by Escritora Novata about a public library in a house of unknown ownership.
Underground Library
Building / Landmark | Aug 1, 2024

A Settlement Considered a Refuge

This is one of those articles that I planned on getting back to for improvements before the end of Summer Camp but never did. Will definitely have to improve it later.
Settlement | Jul 14, 2024

Aven town of Highpeak's Vale.


Chose to read this one because it shares a name with a place I passed through on my first bicycle trip. Sylver Shine's place sounds much nicer though.
Settlement | Aug 3, 2024


I was not expecting a place called Heartwood to be full of vampires but it is and it works. This is a good article by blunderhill.
Settlement | Jul 10, 2024

A Technology Used for Defense or Protection

While I don't consider this article particularly creative - and certainly not something unique to Linebound - it did come from previously established ideas in Linebound and I am really enjoying that organic growth of the setting.
Fire Protection Engineering
Technology / Science | Jul 17, 2024

A body of knowledge used to prevent and to combat fires.

A Naturally Sheltered Place

I have always liked the idea of a little town nestled away in the mountains far from anything. I am sure they exist, just not in places where I have lived.
Highpeak's Vale
Geographic Location | Jul 14, 2024

Secluded mountain valley.

Boneharbor, the Leviathan Graveyard

Wulvenfire's article about a place - with an incredible name - brings me back to a few places I have visited before, the coves of the Gaspé and Newfoundland as well as the whalebone graveyard in Iqaluit.
Boneharbor, the Leviathan Graveyard
Geographic Location | Jul 20, 2024

Deadwood Spire

I really liked the image that redstarre creates in just the first few sentences.
Deadwood Spire
Geographic Location | Aug 14, 2024

A Building Considered a Refuge Against the World

This is another article that has been an idea in my head for many years. The core of the aven community and the place where many of them lived before the events of The Promise. Still with some changes happening because that is one of my goals, to make Linebound less static.
The Aerie
Building / Landmark | Jul 14, 2024

Towering chronicle of history and imposing seat of power.

Peacebough Grove

Theiket has designed a place that I yearn for given the constant grind of capitalism in my life.
Peacebough Grove
Building / Landmark | Jul 14, 2024

A Unit Dedicated to Guarding Someone or Something

This is an article that is inspired by this one scene in Babylon 5. It takes the basic premise and grows it into a small but influential group of people throughout the nation of Bral.
The Flower's Guard
Military Formation | Jul 16, 2024

Guards of a flower long since gone.

Doom Watchers

FredL77's Doom Watchers with their projectile arcane spears are an interesting read!
Doom Watchers
Military Formation | Jul 10, 2024

The Curators

A short article by auzins92 about people who protect important relics. I enjoyed it.
The Curators
Military Formation | Jul 16, 2024

A Personal Item that Keeps You Safe

When I went on my first bicycle trip I left dirty socks hanging in my shower - don't worry no one else uses it - so that I had to make it back to clean them. Surprised I made it back because my grandma went and cleaned them while I was gone!
Dirty Socks
Item | Jul 16, 2024

Something to bring the soldiers home safe.

Wolfstone Bracelets

This is an interesting item with a beautiful tradition of being passed on. Good read from Heavy.
Wolfstone Bracelets
Item | Aug 21, 2024

A Tradition that Gives Comfort

While not being particularly creative this one is certainly relatable!
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 18, 2024

Songs for sleep.

Fireside Stories

I love a good storytelling tradition and the Fireside Stories by Evie Magpie is one of those.
Fireside Stories
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 21, 2024


I like the idea from Dazzlinkat that the grief-filled cries are what move the dead onward to the next world.
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 26, 2024

A Species with Protective Anatomy

After reading some amazing articles from other worldbuilders, I think that my article about the Orthan Hare may be a little bit mundane. I do think the sidebar turned out well, tying them into the culture of the Orth, and having learned the word leverets during the research for this article is a huge boon too.
Orthan Hare
Species | Jul 23, 2024

Fur that protects from the elements and from predators.

Gem Ferret

Tyrdal was kind enough to recommend several articles from their Summer Camp and this one you should check out - if only to see the image of the gem ferret. Please read the article too though, it is very good.
Gem ferret
Species | Aug 3, 2024

A crystal ghost of the caves, a single light in the dangerous dark.

Razorback Deepbreather

Just read that title again. What an incredible name for a creature. Great work Harpesichorde!
Razorback Deepbreather
Species | Aug 3, 2024

A Sub-Culture Considered Larger-than-Life by Some

I think this article is a success though it still has some room for growth.
Ethnicity | Jul 20, 2024

Big, loud, and friendly.

Sky Pirates

TJ Trewin's article is called Sky Pirates, how could I resist?
Sky Pirates
Ethnicity | Jul 7, 2024

Scandalously strategic sailors of the sky.

The Wall Riders

I wasn't exactly expecting winter sports when I clicked on Pen Surname's article but it is better than I ever could have imagined.
The Wall Riders
Ethnicity | Jul 8, 2024

A Charity or Other Organization Focused Around Doing Good

I think this was a great way to make a character who is important to the setting - Ryza Chavosi - but has long since disappeared keep doing good in her hometown.
The Captain's Fund
Organization | Jul 18, 2024

Ryza's way of giving back.

The Dawn Circle

In Amelia Nite's world where there are people from other planets, this group still uses a horse and buggy.
The Dawn Circle
Organization | Jul 26, 2024

Vigilants of the Green

This is a great article from Jeffrey Lebowski about people who mean well but accomplish little.
Vigilants of the Green
Organization | Aug 1, 2024

A Faction of an Organization Built Around Belief

This is a faction of the Forgers of the Strewn Sky whose existence was established in the original article for my first Summer Camp in 2019.
The Solemnly Timid
Organization | Jul 19, 2024

Pacifist sect of the Forgers of the Strewn Sky.

The Friars of the Flora

The final line of this article is just incredible. Great work from Alan Robinson!
The Friars of the Flora
Organization | Sep 1, 2024

The Last Voyage

Given that I have written about The First Voyage, I had to read this article from Frod0_baggins about the last one.
The Last Voyage
Organization | Jul 25, 2024

A Myth, Urban Legend, or Conspiracy Theory Believed by Many to be True

This is a short and simple article but one that I think is pretty good!
The Adventurer's Trail
Myth | Jul 20, 2024

Can you see the Harani's trail?

Missing Moon

Will Written has me thinking that I need some conspiracy theories in Linebound because this was a very enjoyable article to read.
Missing Moon
Myth | Aug 2, 2024

The Sky is a Lie

I really enjoy the idea that the sky could be a lie - because in fantasy it very well could be. A fun read from Sylver Shine.
The sky is a lie
Myth | Aug 3, 2024

An Evil Spirit or Divine Antagonist

This is an article based on an idea I have had for Linebound for many, many years but have never put to paper.
Urawen Kol
Character | Jul 21, 2024

The town's light turned forest's shadow.

The Artist

Noah Oowada has made an interesting article about someone who works both sides and gets stuck in the middle.
The Artist
Character | Jul 27, 2024

The Chaperone

This article has an incredible name and follows through with an incredible article. Great work from mezzopatricia!
The Chaperone
Character | Jul 28, 2024

A Document of Spurious of Controversial Attribution

I often take the chance to write my fairly bad poetry into articles and this is one of those times! It is a poem that could easily have been forgotten in history but was kept alive by scholars.
The Founding of Soksu
Document | Jul 25, 2024

Oldest document in Jamaira.

The Mana Fallacy

I really enjoy this article about a contrarian scholar by Pen Surname.
The Mana Fallacy
Document | Jul 31, 2024

The Obsidian Scroll

Aeuvex asks the question: What if one document could upend all of our history? A very interesting question to ask.
The Obsidian Scroll
Document | Jul 31, 2024

A Relic or Symbol of Belief

This one was surprisingly easy once I gave it a go despite having no idea what to do before staring at that blank article.
United Disc
Item | Jul 21, 2024

Symbol of the Forger's faith.

Oath Sphere

My question - about this great artilce - to Graylion is, what happens when something wants the Sphere back?
Oath Sphere
Item | Aug 3, 2024

Planetary Symbols

Have I mentioned how much of a joy it always is to hop into Annie's world?
Planetary Symbols
Item | Sep 17, 2024


Slang or a Language Associated with a Religion of Belief

I didn't have much juice left by this point and I definitely wasn't going to make sky-Latin so I did something simpler and focused on how certain phrases are used due to religious influence.
Forgers' Tongue
Language | Jul 25, 2024

Common phrases of the Forgers.

A Sailor's Tongue

Given that I write about skysailors, I had to check out this article from Michael Chandra.
A Sailor's Tongue
Language | Jul 25, 2024

Void Runes

This is a brief and interesting article from FelixVanHuss about witches and their magic.
Void Runes
Language | Jul 18, 2024

A Leader of High-Ranking Person in an Organization

These prompts afforded me not only one, not two, but many opportunities to expand upon the Forgers of the Strewn Sky and I am all for it.
Rank/Title | Jul 26, 2024

Incredible singers of spiritual importance.

Archon of the House

An article by SocialCat that incorporates something I find interesting in stories, magically enforced peace.
Archon of the House
Rank/Title | Jul 18, 2024

Sword of Paradise

This is a long and detailed article from Pandora9. I hope that some of my articles may one day be as thorough as this (and the works of my Chaptermaster).
Sword of Paradise
Rank/Title | Aug 3, 2024

The title given to the strongest combatant in the Celestial Host. Currently held by Valkiya, formerly by Grigorius Bieloskytes.

The Practices and Ceremonies of Worship

The tradition of Renanteral has existed in Linebound for a long time but never had its own article. This was a great opportunity to create it and talk about the tradition of lizardfolk heroes.
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 24, 2024

Festival of heroes.


Hanhula always writes incredible articles but, for me, this might be one of the best I have read. The idea is an incredible starting point and it goes places - literally. Hearing not only the origins but how the tradition changes as it spread to wildly different geographical regions, amazing.
Tradition / Ritual | Aug 2, 2024

Transcending the borders of faith is the urge to call to the gods themselves.

Song of the Light-Blessed

This one definitely takes me back to my music history studies - especially the part where the songs can last for hours. Though I must admit I do not love the idea of competition at this level between the musicians in real life - I am sure it can make for some incredible stories! Really enjoyed this article by Kwyn Marie.
Song of the Light-blessed
Tradition / Ritual | Aug 3, 2024

A Settlement that's Known as a Party Town or Pleasure City

Parties have never been my cup of tea so all I could do was write about it from what I have heard from others and seen in media. Decided to focus more on the people of the town and to base it on that concept of change I have been trying to work more into Linebound.
The Bend
Settlement | Jul 24, 2024

Party town for the young and poor traveller.


This article from cow2face is one that is an interesting thing to think about. What would a town be like if it's population was - for brief periods - increased from dozens to thousands?
Settlement | Jul 22, 2024

The Diviner Fief

AmelieIS has created a place where I - as someone who enjoys a variety of games - would probably not fit in. I doubt the people of this Fief enjoy D&D or Magic but instead play games where the losers become indentured servants.
The Diviner Fief
Settlement | Aug 3, 2024

An essential information broker in the city thanks to welcoming outsiders provided that they have money. Well-known to be the place of all entertainments, they used to be neutral but have recently declared themselves for the would-be emperor.

A Hybrid Species Intentionally Bred

This is my worst entry to Summer Camp this year. It doesn't feel creative or important. It was the one I struggled to come up with an idea for the most but I did manage to write it.
Species | Jul 29, 2024

Disease resistant hybrid crop.

Bearbreeds on Noria

I do love bears so I clicked on the one that said bears and it was very good. Imagine bears if we had bred them like dogs. Great work by Ninodonlord.
Bearbreeds on Noria
Species | Jul 29, 2024

Brackish Taro

This article by Hallucigenia makes use of a vegetable not common here in Canada but one that we do bring all the way up to my remote Arctic community. Some interesting history in this article about the flooding of the plane in brine.
Brackish Taro
Species | Sep 1, 2024

A Myth or Prophecy About the End of the World

Linebound is generally a positive setting so I hadn't really considered what the doomsayers would be talking about at what I assume are their clandestine meetings at their favourite pub. Having already written the lullaby article, this was a good opportunity to reference it and create a darker song that is sung to children - bonus points if you understand the song that is parodied.
Return of the Sky Tyrant
Myth | Jul 22, 2024

When he comes, the skies will go quiet.

The End of Days: A Shattered Land

Truly a great read from fellow Tabletaler Tyrdal. I have little to say that the other amazed commenters didn't. I wish that my myths could be as well worded as the ramblings of the madman Hassan the Hermit.
The End of Days: A Shattered Land
Myth | Aug 3, 2024

An ancient scroll and a prophecy. What will Tariq find within?

The Last Radiance

I am a simple man, I see a word that reminds me of Hollow Knight, I read article. The great thing about this article by Deleyna is that it made me realize that I didn't consider what would, could, or should happen after the end of Linebound.
The Last Radiance
Myth | Jul 28, 2024

A Material that is Resistant to Decay

I wasn't sure what to write about at first but sometimes you just have to remember the most important things in your setting and return to that. So, skyworthy wood.
Skyworthy Wood
Material | Jul 23, 2024

Only the finest.

Blackfield Pearl

Somehow I always wind up back in the Yonderverse by Mochimanoban. The name was simple enough to understand and also interesting enough to draw me in.
Blackfield Pearl
Material | Aug 11, 2024

Precious pearls produced by goliath blacksand mussels.


I always love any process where music is involved and to make this stuff do its magic, it needs music. Great article by none other than Dimitris!
Material | Jul 22, 2024

A Profession that is Considered Dirty

This prompt was a good opportunity to expand on the city of opportunity - Darapur - and show a bit of a darker side to it.
Profession | Jul 27, 2024

Waste not, want not.

Ambergris Tracker

Another from Tabletaler Dragon Magpie, this profession is all about making that enameling industry go.
Ambergriss tracker
Profession | Aug 3, 2024

Midden Tubeworm Wrangler

EricGarcia83 has written this article that encourages people to dig through the excrement of the most dangerous creatures they can find.
Midden Tubeworm Wrangler
Profession | Jul 25, 2024

An Organization Fighting Corruption

There was no better place in Linebound to fight corruption than in Burim.
The True Citizens of Burim
Organization | Jul 27, 2024

Vigilantes for the people of Burim.

The Scrap Tribes

This is one of those instances where my own biases show and I only considered political corruption due to my own interest in politics. WreckerDwarf however does not have my biases and wrote about a group of goblins fighting against a disease.
The Scrap Tribes
Organization | Aug 6, 2024

A Tradition that Represents Moral Decay

This is one of the prompts that I left simmering for a while because I couldn't figure out what to write about. In the end I went with the one with roots in our own history, one that has plagued humanity and fostered ignorance for a very long time.
Book Burning
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 30, 2024

Act of the powerful to keep the weak ignorant.

Sex Education

Good article by E. Christopher Clarke. Very clear relation to what is happening in some places in the world right now. Always love something topical.
Sex Education
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 24, 2024

Sex Education is a vital part of the compulsory education plan set down by the Council of Five.

The Devaluation of Artistic Expression

This article by Moonlight Bard is something very relatable to someone in the arts such as myself. We see cuts to arts funding all around. Specifically in classical music we see organizations shutting down all around the world.
The Devaluation of Artistic Expression
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 27, 2024

An Animal or Plant that Feeds on Decay

Not my best work but I was happy I could relate it to an existing disease in Linebound and I think the section about the winter is alright.
Species | Jul 23, 2024

Brightly-coloured carrion insects.

Polar Boar

You read that right, polar boar. A fun article about a deadly oversized creature, what's not to love? This is the first time I've come across something from BCGR_Wurth and I like it.
Polar Boar
Species | Jul 21, 2024

A Degenerative Disease

This was a particularly difficult article for me to write - perhaps the most difficult - on an emotional level. While Three Season's Wasting resembles ALS more than cancer - which took my aunt's life - the feeling of losing a loved one - and being unable to do anything about it - is the same.
Three Season's Wasting
Condition | Jul 21, 2024

It which takes everything.

Bleakform: Ashen Fractures

An article by Ademal that is not yet done but is very interesting and a good reminder that Summer Camp is about getting ideas onto the page so to speak and not about creating the best finished product in that very minute - something I often forget.
Bleakform: Ashen Fractures
Condition | Jul 20, 2024


An affliction that magic users fear, kind of like the magic version of radiation poisoning. A good read by Dragonquillca.
Condition | Jul 22, 2024

A Piece of Tech that Prevents Decay

I really struggled here to come up with something interesting so I wrote about barrels. The sidebar about racing down the river in them wasn't bad though.
Technology / Science | Jul 26, 2024

Storage and transport technology.

Spell Storing Cloth

This article by ecl1psed is a very creative answer to the prompt. Not only is it used to prevent the decay of life it also - for a time - keeps a magic from dissipating.
Spell Storing Cloth
Technology / Science | Aug 3, 2024

Virtual Library

Guess I was hungry when working on this prompt because - unlike AsterVela - I never considered the decay of anything but food. Here is an article about the preservation of information.
Virtual Library
Technology / Science | Jul 25, 2024

A Storyteller, Author, or Bard in Your World

This was one of the articles that naturally grew out of the content of other articles and I really enjoyed how that happened. I think this one turned out very well.
Character | Jul 31, 2024

Skysailor, author, and history fanatic.

The Wanderer

This Wanderer is a person who does not do things for the fame or the money but simply for the sake of doing it. Worldwildbuilder, great work.
The Wanderer
Character | Aug 2, 2024

The World-Walker

Imagine if the great stories of the past long-forgotten by most were held by a few, willing to share, far from home to those other travellers. This is a fantastic article from TinkerTech.
The World-Walker
Character | Jul 31, 2024

A Geographical Region that is Expanding

This is a region that was a stub article before the competition and one I was happy to greatly improve. While it still has a lot of room to grow - no pun intended - I was happy to include the Barle in it.
The Shattered Isles
Geographic Location | Jul 29, 2024

Expanding land of a plethora of skyislands varying wildly in size.

Mirror Cloud Paths

I have little to say about this article other than it is absolutely incredible and you need to read it. knocked it out of the park - perhaps through a path.
Mirror cloud paths
Geographic Location | Aug 2, 2024

The Everwood

I do love it when the forest fights back and Rashkavar has brought me that - well, the prelude to it anyways. Check out the Everwood.
The Everwood
Geographic Location | Aug 3, 2024

A forest that grows with incredible virulence, harbouring a terrifying secret.

Food Often Eaten by Travelers

This is one of those articles that seemed to grow naturally out of the world of Linebound, combining the needs of explorers with the rather disliked animal, the Gort.
Gort Jerky
Item | Jul 28, 2024

Tough and tasteless.


Very cool and magical food from author Alishahr!
Item | Jul 28, 2024

Secret Sandwich™

You will never guess what the secret ingredient is - unless you know what soylent greens are made of. Very fun article from Epilith.
Secret Sandwich™
Item | Jul 28, 2024

A Building that was Meant to be Temporary

One of the final prompts released, I was struggling to think of an idea but found something that grew out of the public fervor over explorers and skyships.
The Adventurer's Stage
Building / Landmark | Jul 28, 2024

The heart of Darapur.

Kaer Bryn

A good old pile of stones that has protected people throughout history and a lesson about winter - something us people above the 66th parallel know a lot about. Great writing from Dragonid.
Kaer Bryn
Building / Landmark | Jul 27, 2024

Tristan's Belltower

An article with a lot of history from ValentineDM this reminds me of some churches and cairns I have found seemingly in the middle of nowhere while cycling around Canada.
Tristan's Belltower
Building / Landmark | Jul 30, 2024

A belltower, designed to be rang temporarily, but whose bell still tolls to this day

Stub Article

This article is just a stub for now and will be expanded upon later.

Old Article

This article was written in the past and does not meet my current standards for any number of article quality, layout, or content.

In-Progress Article

This article is being worked on, perhaps not at this very moment, but it is being worked on.

The Year So Far

I was doing really well on my goals for the first six months of the year. Once I left for vacation in mid-June I definitely stopped reading and completing stubs but I did get to meet my then six-month-old nephew. Using Summer Camp I was able to catch up by taking several old stubs and turn them into nice Summer Camp entries.   For the reading challenge, I will be reading 84 articles, two from each category, liking, leaving comments, and including them in this article. This is enough to cover six months of my goals of reading three articles per week. If I do, I will consider myself caught up on the reading I missed over vacation - but will still have to read three every week for September through December.


Complete one stub each week (except the week following a big writing event).
Participate in Summer Camp.
Participate in WorldEmber.
Read three articles from other authors each week.
Write an interactive adventure for Adventure April.

Outside of Writing

I have been considering purchasing a laptop since my old one died last year. This is something that will help me continue writing and reading in October when I am away from my Arctic home for a while. It has even been so long since I built my trusty PC here that the chips in the laptops I am looking at not only equal the power of my Skylake CPU but surpass it by significant margins.   Looking to stay busy during my vacation I am considering learning some soldering skills to fix up and upgrade my old Gameboy Advance SP - and also maybe my brother's and also maybe buying and upgrading an old Gameboy Advance which I will leave as a gift for my nephew when he is old enough.


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Sep 1, 2024 10:35

Spell Storing Cloth mentioned! glad to find myself among all these amazing writers!

With the gears of the mind turning everlong, see what they produce in times old and new alike! Ignotas, Where Fog Turns Into Steam
Sep 1, 2024 13:13 by Jeffrey Lebowski

Thank you so much for including the Vigilants! Congrats on completing all 42 prompts, that quite the achievement!

Sep 1, 2024 18:39 by Stormbril

Thank you for including me!! :D

Sep 1, 2024 21:31 by Alan Byers

Thank you for the double shoutout fellow Canadian! I was very interestedly reading through your opinions as fltered through your experiences traveling around the north!

Sep 2, 2024 14:17 by E. Christopher Clark

Thanks for mentioning my work! I love how you've included your own article from a given prompt alongside your recommendations. That really helps put the Reading Challenge into context alongside the work you've been doing all summer. Well done!

Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!
Sep 3, 2024 18:44

Thank you so much for your kind shout out of one of my favourite articles - the Mirror Cloud Paths.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Sep 4, 2024 01:03 by Paul

I don't think I have the vocabulary to appropriately express how much I enjoyed that article. It was just so good.

Join the brave skysailors of Linebound!
Sep 5, 2024 13:16 by TJ Trewin

I love a good Kronk quote xD   Thanks so much for reading my article! :D

Journals of Yesteryear